The difficult situation current French president Francois Hollande is going through and the unprecedented collapse of his popularity, prompted a group of artists, athletes, creators, thinkers, researchers and entrepreneurs to sign a support statement for him, published Sunday in the French newspaper ‘le journal de dimanche” in which they demand to stop” vilification of President Hollande’s policy”.
The signatories stressed that Hollande has faced since his ruling doubt in his legitimacy” and that the continuous denigration undermines all the institution of the Republic and the Presidential Office and it still continues despite the stature of Francois Holland as a Statesman that has perfectly embodied both in the international crises and in terrible tragedies that our country went through.
The statement listed the achievements of President Hollande during the four years of his reign.
The statement denounces this unworthy fury which leads the political debate into a drift threatening democracy.”
Besides the close president entourage, what is funny in this statement we find intellectuals from the Arab community in France such as French Tunisian psychoanalyst Fethi Ben Slama.
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