China seeks to develop economic cooperation with Tunisia

China is seeking to develop economic co-operation with Tunisia, in particular in the tourism and investment fields, Wang Jiarui, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference said on Tuesday, during a visit to Tunisia accompanied by a Communist Party of China (CPC) delegation.

China supports the Tunisian people to independently choose their development path, wishes to deepen bilateral communication and cooperation across all fields and explore pragmatic cooperation potential, Wang said.

The CPPCC vice chairman added that the CPC is willing to strengthen friendly exchanges with the main parties of Tunisia, share party management and state governance experience and push forward China-Tunisia ties to open new perspectives of China-Tunisian cooperation.

Essebsi said that Tunisia highly values the development of its relations with China. hopes to enhance bilateral communication and cooperation across all fields and welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest in the country and take part in its development to the benefit of both sides.


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