TerniEnergia – the first italian smart energy company active in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste and energy management, listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and part of Italeaf Group – within the internationalization process of the PV EPC business, has been acquired a order worth of approximately $ 12.5 million for the construction in Tunisia of an industrial scale photovoltaic plant for a total capacity of 10 MWp, on behalf of S.T.E.G. – Société Tunisienne de l`Electricité et du Gaz.
The plant will be installed in locations Tozeur, about 450 km from Tunisi close to the Sahara desert. The order includes the full EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) activity, with the supply of PV modules and inverters. In the construction site will be active more than 200 workers. The project includes major civil works and an area for experimenting with new technologies.
TERNIENERGIA (TER.MI), established in September 2005, and part of Italeaf Group, is the first Italian smart energy company, committed to bring worldwide integrated and sustainable energy solutions. Organized into four business lines (Technical services, Energy management, Energy efficiency and Cleantech), with about 500 employees and a geographic presence in almost the continents, with operational and sales offices, TerniEnergia develops solutions, innovative products and services based on digital and industrial technologies for the energy sector.
TerniEnergia, also through its subsidiaries, shall pursue the objectives of increasing energy production from renewable sources, energy efficiency and emissions reduction, as laid down by European environmental policy, and participates actively in the distributed power generation revolution and energy smart grids.
TerniEnergia is the ideal partner for large utilities, distributors and grid operators, power producers, public authorities, industrial customers and investors who intends to carry out large projects for the production of renewable energy plants and modern systems with high energy efficiency, solutions for the management and maintenance of the infrastructure and the electrical systems. TerniEnergia, through a complete technological and commercial offer, develops and provides technologies, turn-key services and solutions for energy consumers in the public and private sectors. The company is listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange.
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