Trump and Radical Islam

In the midst of the preparation to enter the White House as a President of the United States of America, the Islamists in general and in Tunis in particular as well as their allies were surprised of the position of Donald Trump of Political Islam after he had called these days to set a nominal list of the Muslim brotherhood who are on the American soil and classified as terrorists.

In fact, this position is not new because Trump has expressed this on many occasions the most important of which his statement to the “Washington Post” on March 1,  2016 in an interview with this renowned newspaper, when he emphasized again this position and even by sticking to it in mid August during his electoral campaign in Youngstown.

At a speech delivered there, he reviewed the headlines of his programme and his orientations in the U.S. foreign policy in which he stressed to re-examine its former usual constant.

At this meeting which gathered Trump with his electors, he largely spoke about the radical political Islam describing this phenomenon and system as a new third evil, according to him, which is added to “fascism and communism.”

Trump wanted in this announcement to reveal his reference in dealing with radical political Islam by putting himself in the position of former Presidents of the United States namely Truman and Regan. One of them stood against fascism while the era of the second president was marked by the fall of the Soviet Union and the decline of communism and the dismantling of the countries under it.  So Trump believes that the fact of facing this “third evil” which is political Islam is to have his name recorded not only in the U.S. process but in the history of humanity.

Trump laid emphasis that “he will not leave the Islamist jihadist wherever they are to kill children, women, secular people, atheists, homosexuals, intellectuals and artists.

Based on this position, Trump revealed for the first time in the meeting of August 15, means and measures to be taken to combat radical Islam which are:

1/Trump do not prefer to be the “protector in the world” America is topping his concerns in consecration of the recurrent slogan in world media “America first”.

He pledged to eliminate “Daech” and all the Jihadist Islamic groups threatening the United States including Al Baghdadi and his fellows by sending 30,000 soldiers from the marines to hunt down those terrorists not to mention the intelligence officers and the local spies.

2/ set up further restrictions, not only on illegal emigration, but also on all other kind of emigration, including visa-holders visitors to America.

In this connection, Trump announced that he will give his U.S. foreign directives for the Emigration Departments and the U.S. embassies and consulates to thoroughly check the identity and the destination of all the comers to the United States.

He also made hints to submit them to an “ideological” check-up to reveal their intellectual and political tendencies.

He stressed, in this respect, to place the radical political Islam among the dangers threatening the United States and the U.S. citizens by classifying the radical Islamists as more dangerous than the Mexican criminals after deciding to build a wall to besiege them and preventing them to enter the United States Illegally.

As regards the Islamists, he repeated on several occasions that he will spare no effort to combat them. Very often, Trump expressed this position since the year 2000 mainly aired by” Fox News”.

In materialization of his plan, Trump said that America will examine some strategic issues and relations with other countries placing emphasis that these states blackmail his country among them  Germany and France considered as the worst allies. In this connection, he suggested to re-examine all the articles of the NATO pact.

However what arouses the fear of the states, the organizations and the political parties is when Trump speaks about the new U.S. map of relations when he places emphasis on establishing exceptional and advanced relations with all the political enemies on top of them the new Kaiser Putin, General Abdel Fattha Al Sissi and King Abdallah of Jordan with the possibility of looking, once again, at the relations with Syria’s Assad on one hand and that cooperation with the countries which stand behind political Islam or going through conflicts as the hot beds of tension would not be so easy on the other hand. The position of Donald Trump is a strategic and not tactical.

In fact, he stressed the implementation of a new vision of the international relations established by the United States according to what he had announced in his electoral campaign.

It is worth reminding that Trump considers that the former American position on radical Islam is “soft” and not worthy the American stand in the international Map and its leading role in the world, blaming Barack Obama when describing him as helpless but rather coward unable to identify the enemies which means the “third evil” which is automatically beneficial to radical Islam underlining that “who walks blindly cannot defeat the enemy and defend his country or even be its President.”

Trump’s position of political Islam did not only anger the democratic members but also the new conservative who have good relations with the Muslim brotherhood in the Arab region such as McCain who had close relations with several Islamic parties including Tunisian Ennahdha movment.

So what is the position of Ennahdha and its derivatives concerning the expectations of political Islam on the international level in the near coming days and what are their repercussions on the Arab map and the conflicts in the Arab region and what is their influence on the Tunisian political scene and the present allies between the Islamists and Nidaa Tounes movement and the other parties in the National Unity Government, and to what extend could the Tunisian Islamists in Tunisia disassociate  themselves from what Trump is planning for all the Islamists ?

Could these shuttle visits of Ennhadha movement exchanged with some the congress members be beneficial and could its supporters there adapt the American position as regards the movement?

Debbabi Samira


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