Union Minister M.J. Akbar to visit Tunisia from Feb.26 to 28

New Delhi, Feb 23 (IANS) To explore business opportunities for India, Minister of State for External Affairs M.J. Akbar will be on a three-day visit to Tunisia, an official said on Thursday.

“During the visit, the Minister of State shall discuss a wide range of bilateral, regional and international issues of shared common interest including the strengthening of cooperation in the fertiliser sector. India has very cordial bilateral relations with Tunisia,” said a Ministry of External Affairs release.

“The economic cooperation between the two countries is deepening with Indian investments in the fertiliser sector. The visit takes place in the context of further strengthening the bilateral relationship between India and Tunisia,” the release said.

Akbar, during his stay, will be meeting Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi and the Foreign and Energy ministers.

The Minister’s visit to the north African country will be from February 26-28.

He is expected to interact with the business community to identify potential areas of trade and investment.

He will also deliver a keynote address on India’s foreign policy at the Tunisian Institute of Strategic Studies.

Last year, Vice President Hamid Ansari visited Tunisia from June 2-3. He was accompanied by Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilisers Hansraj Gangaram Ahir and four Members of Parliament.


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