The dinar has appreciated by 1.5% against the dollar and depreciated by 0.9% against the euro, from the beginning of the year until March 28, 2017, According to a memo on the economy released by the Central Bank of Tunisia. The BCT reported on another level an increase in the money supply, which mainly reflects the acceleration of aid to the economy (+ 9.7% in February 2017 compared to + 5.7% a year earlier) and the deceleration of the decrease in net claims on abroad (-1.414 MTD against -3.209 MTD during the same period of 2016).
Net claims on the State, however, have slowed slightly. After the upturn recorded at the end of the year, monetary resources fell sharply during the first two months of the current year.
This trend reflects a significant decline in sight deposits among banks and a near stability of the banknotes and currency in circulation.
As for loans to the economy, they increased by 296 MTD in February 2017 after having marked the pace in the previous month. They have grown at a rate of 9.6% compared with + 5.5% a year earlier.