Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 coming to Steam this May

Strategy First and Graviteam (experts in developing realistic wargames) have announced that they have formed a partnership to bring their historically accurate World War II strategy war game Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 to Steam this May.

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 allows players to experience the Tunisian Campaign as both a turn based and real time strategy game.  The game features more than 50 detailed vehicles from the UK, German and US armies and gives would be generals the opportunity the option of playing either the Allied or Axis powers.

“Set in North Africa during the Tunisian campaign in World War II, one of World War II’s most intense conflicts and offers real-time and turn-based strategy options, making it perfect for hardcore strategy fans, World War II enthusiasts and history buffs,” said Vladimir Zayarniy, Graviteam CEO. “We dedicated a lot of time, energy and passion into offering a painstaking level of realism and detail in all of our units and battle scenarios, and for the first time are featuring US military battling against Axis forces.”

An actual launch date and a new trailer showcasing the historically accurate tank warfare will be released later this month so keep checking back with us.

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