SNJT Congress: moral and financial reports adopted

Participants in the 4th Congress of the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT), held on May 20-21 in Tunis, examined and adopted on Saturday the moral and financial reports.

They reminded that resources coming from the memberships represent only 10.97 % of the financial income of the union.

As for the moral report, it reviews the activities of the outgoing office and recalls the working conditions and the social and political climate in which it evolved. This context was notably marked by repeated attempts by successive governments to take control of public media and to use the private sector for political purposes, the report notes.

It also highlights the precariousness of journalists, the increase in collective redundancies, the lack of social security coverage, the delay or non-payment of wages, and the marginalisation suffered by the regional correspondents.

25 candidates, including the current president of SNJT Néji Bghouri, are running for the elections of the next executive bureau of the Union. Nine will be elected.

The election of the new executive is due on Sunday.


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