TUNCATIC show held on October 24 to 26 in Montreal

Mr. Philippe Armengau, new commercial adviser at the Embassy of Canada to Tunisia, received a Tunisian delegation on October 20 at the Canadian Embassy to Tunisia to participate in the TUNCATIC trade show held from October 24 to 26 in Montreal.

TUNCATIC is a trade show dedicated to information and communication technology organised by OPTIMUM Group in collaboration with the Tunisian Junior Chamber of Quebec (JCTQ).

The TUNCATIC show is an excellent initiative that strives to bring the two countries (Tunisia and Canada) together so as to generate economic benefits.

Having chosen Montreal as the show venue is not trivial, Greater Montréal’s information and communications technology sector is a source of pride for Montrealers. Montreal is a metropolis that vibrates digitally said Mr. Philippe.

Mr. Armengau added that “It is often considered the video game capital of North America. It hosts a large number of digital festivals, hosts a number of specialized cultural facilities, and has smartphone penetration and the use of superior social media in the rest of Canada. ”

Why TUNCATI in Montreal!

According to TechnoMontréal, 2016; Statistics Canada, 2016 and Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), 2016; Techno Skills, Sector Diagnostics; KPMG, April 2016, ICT in Montreal includes 91,000 skilled workers in 5,000 establishments in 2014 and has a GDP of $ 10.2 billion in 2014 ranking 8th in North America for the concentration of employment in 2015.  In 2014 In Quebec, nearly 16,500 post-secondary students in the ICT sector.

A strategic position and direct access to the market of ALÉNALE Greater Montreal is at the heart of a vast free trade area governed by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) where nearly 500 million of consumers.

High concentration of world leaders

Recognized as a strategic platform with high added value by multinationals working in the ICT field, Greater Montréal is also an effective springboard for creative businesses and start-up SMEs.

Investor confidence and numerous business opportunities

Over the past three years, Greater Montréal has hosted more than 30 new investment, expansion or ICT implementation projects.

Talented and creative workforce

With more than 120,000 highly skilled workers, the ICT job market is exceptionally dynamic: + 7.5% between 2008 and 2013, despite the global economic slowdown.

Pole of innovation and R & D supported by a culture of collaboration

Whether it’s in video games, software development or health and financial ICTs, Greater Montréal is always ahead of the game. This demanding positioning is the result of a culture of innovation that brings together all the players in the sector, companies, laboratories, schools and universities

Most competitive operating costs in North America

Operating a business in the ICT sector is cheaper in ” Greater Montreal ” than in other major cities in North America. This is true for salaries and benefits, but also for overhead costs such as rent, electricity and professional services.

Financial incentives tailored to your needs

Between the tax credits, the financial assistance programmes granted by the governments and the available risk capital, the companies of the ICT sector which choose to be based in “Greater Montreal” have several very competitive sources of financing.

Very advantageous tax framework for companies

All businesses in Greater Montreal benefit from one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the continent (26.9%). Some of them can also benefit from generous tax credits.

Clusters that mobilize stakeholders around common issues

To settle in a bubbling environment of ideas and talents is good. Joining a structured environment into real industrial clusters is better. A point of convergence for the main ICT players, TechnoMontréal will allow you, once in the city, to make your voice heard and participate in reflections – and actions – on the major issues of your industry.

Personalized, confidential and free accompaniment of Montréal International

For the many companies and international organizations that did it before you, settling in ” Greater Montreal ” turned out to be a strategic choice. And a winning choice thanks to Montréal International who guided and accompanied them BEFORE, DURING and AFTER their implementation.

It is in this same connection that the Consul reiterates that ” the TIC plays a driving role for the economy of Greater Montreal: sector experiences a GDP growth twice as fast as the economy as a whole for ten years.”

We congratulate Tunisia, which has been very early in the development of the ICT sector, which is one of the pillars of its economic and social development policy, adds Armengau.

Tunisia has set up an ambitious and voluntarist strategy that allows it to position itself as a key partner in MENA region, according to the same source.

“The information and communications technology sector is a priority commercial sector for the Embassy’s commercial section and we will be pleased to connect Tunisian and Canadian companies with the goal of creating successful partnerships.” Mr. Philippe says, the embassy is working closely with Tunisian partners like smart Tunisia to make known the needs of Canadian companies in Tunisia and also go back to Canada business opportunities in this market.

Mr. Armengau voices his country’s vision for the ICT sector with wishes for success for this fair. ”We are also seizing international fairs, such as the Mobile World Congress (MWC) which is held annually in Barcelona, to prepare a program of B2B meetings between companies from both countries and support the partnership initiatives that come out of these meetings. ”

Several stakeholders from the ICT field will be present in this show, from both Canadian and Tunisian sides, like Ms. Chamie Ben Miloud, President and founder of the Tunisian Junior Chamber of Qébec (JCTQ),  Hamadi Zaafrani, Z Partners, Mr. Mehdi Zaafrani, CEO, Z Productions, Mr. Mohamed Nidhal Battini, Optimum Group.

TunisianMonitorOnLine (MNHN) Translated from Plumes Economiques


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