EU ‘SouthMed WiA’ audiovisual project launched in Tunis

A project titled “SouthMed WiA”, co-financed by the European Union and aimed at promoting the image of women in audiovisual products in Southern Mediterranean countries, was launched in Tunis as part of the 28th edition of the Carthage Film Festival.

The project was coordinated by Spanish NGO Interarts and will benefit Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

It will be implemented by the Tunisian Superior School for Audiovisual and Cinema and the Lebanese Screen Institute in collaboration with the University of Carthage and the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA).

Other partners include Cumediae (Brussels) and COPEAM (Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators).

“The goal of this project is to support work for and with women in the audiovisual sector,” said Interarts Director Mercedes Giovinazzo, who is also the project’s coordinator.

She said the project will provide logistical support (workshops, training, networking) and 340,000 euros in financing across two years for the creation of theme-based productions.

The four topics to be included in the project’s first call for tenders are: gender violence, inequality, women’s personal and professional development through image, and the image of women in film.


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