The government decided to suspend all job offers at the phosphate production sites shut down and to freeze all recruitment programmes developed by the Gafsa Phosphate Company (GPC) until the normal resumption of phosphate production and transport.
The decision was taken during a small cabinet meeting held Saturday under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Youssef Chahed.
The cabinet meeting instructed the parties concerned to determine the responsibilities and the Minister of Justice to take immediate action for prosecution of all those who violate the law and deliberately impede the production and transport of phosphate, accorrding to statement of the prime ministry.
“The right to social protest is guaranteed as long as it is exercised within the legal framework, but hindering the activity of a public service and the use of force to stop work is an act punishable by law, following the discontinuation of phosphate production and its transport for long periods and the difficulties facing the Company and the stalemate resulting from the dialogue aimed at finding solutions for the normal resumption of activities of the company ” adds the statement.
The Prime Minister stressed “the need to take all the necessary measures to protect the national economic interest” and affirmed that the government, while worrying to protect the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution “it is all also anxious to make all the decisions in order to make prevail the law and the higher national interest “, the same source indicates.