Tunisia-Algeria: 20 charter flights Oran-Monastir as of July 2020

The Tunisian and Algerian carriers plan to schedule about twenty charter flights from Oran (north-west Algeria) to Monastir International Airport from 17 July to September 2020, with 10 flights each.

This programme is part of the promotion of Tunisia and particularly the region of Sousse, which is very popular with the Oran people, representative of the Tunisian National Tourist Office in Oran, Saâd Khemiri, told TAP on Friday March 6.

The Algerian market remains unavoidable in the tourist zone of Sousse-El Kantaoui where it occupies the second rank of the emitting markets, adds the same source, on the fringe of a visit made, from March 5 to 9, 2020, by about ten journalists from Oran, in the tourist sites of Sousse.


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