Over 10 million Tunisians under general Lockdown as of Sunday

Premier Elyes Fakhfakh said Saturday night that the general lockdown is a measure that involves all Tunisians, with the exception of about 15% of the population that will work so as to ensure the smooth running of vital sectors, such as security, health, agro-food, water, electricity, banks…

In an address to the nation, Fakhfakh said the general lockdown is a preventive measure to ensure the people’s security and the country’s stability, this is why it is imperative to stay home and reduce the mobility.

«The general health lockdown» decided on Friday during a national security council, is a measure that «will also help us conduct some 10 thousand screening tests and thus make a sample,» he added.

He also explained that this measure of great importance will help identify the rise in the number of those infected and the progress of the disease.

Fakhfakh called Tunisians to comply with the health measures and to be patient, interdependent and generous.

The general lockdown in Tunisia will be enforced as of March 22 till April 4, the Prime Ministry announced last Friday.


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