WWF North Africa demands transition to green economy

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) North Africa in Tunisia has urged leaders to implement sustainable recovery plans to transition towards a ”greener, more sustainable” economy which is ”more equal and carbon neutral”. ”Our governors must resist the temptation of saving the unsustainable economy, a socially unjust and polluting economy that is heating our planet, exhausting natural resources and hindering the health and well-being of our people”, WWF said.

The organisation stressed the need to move public and private investments from polluting options to sustainable ones.

”Our government must show leadership and far-sightedness by concentrating public investments on the acceleration of a transition towards a just, resilient and sustainable economy to make progress in the New Deal for Nature and People”, said WWF Director in Tunisia, Faouzi Maamouri.

Besides, the organization urged political leaders to develop action plans against climate change and the deterioration of biodiversity at a national and international level and to help companies in polluting sectors to respect objectives regarding the protection of the environment and climate.

”No rescue must be granted to unsustainable or polluting industries without future in tomorrow’s economy, unless these loans, funding or other direct or indirect aid are not subjected to rigorous and targeted conditions on initiatives to create sustainable jobs”, the group said in a statement. It added that in the midst of the ”coronavirus emergency, leaders are called to show unity and vision by launching a program of green investments which Tunisia has never seen”. ”

In this connection, we can create high-quality green jobs, fight climate change, restore nature and make our economy and society more resilient in the long term”, WWF said.


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