Call for applications: All-Around Culture programme for Arab countries

Tunisian cultural association L’Art Rue, in collaboration with the European Union, has launched a call for their All-Around Culture programme for youth‐led cultural and civic initiatives.

The programme will be implemented over four years to foster a vital cultural ecosystem as an enabling environment for social and economic inclusion of young people from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, Musicin reports.

The programme accepts applications from youth‐led cultural and civic initiatives and aims to encourage community-based and contextual projects using collaborative approaches. It also aims to raise knowledge and capacities of young artists, collectives and cultural operators from underserved areas on the development of contextual work, and community engagement in cultural and civic activities, the same source said.

The project will offer:

  • Up to 32 research and 24 production grants to support youth-led cultural and civic initiatives to implement community-based and contextual artistic production. 
  • Two collaborative laboratories that will take place consecutively where up to 16 artists, collectives and cultural operators will exchange experiences and raise capacities on cultural and civic project development applying community-based and contextual methodologies.
  • Tailor-made guidance, networking and support opportunities.


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