Tunisia launches 3rd national open day for COVID-19 vaccination: 467.631 COVID vaccination administered

Tunisia launched on Sunday the third national open day for vaccination against COVID-19 across the country’s 24 governorates for citizens aged between 15 and 17 and those aged 40 and above. The vaccination process started at 7 a.m. local time and continued until 7 p.m with 467.631 COVID vaccination administered on the same day. This initiative was organized by the health ministry in coordination with the defence, interior and education ministries, and in cooperation with several departments and components of the civil society. Over 390 vaccination centres, distributed throughout the…

Enactus Tunisia Race powered by Tunisie Telecom under the theme “Tech4COVID

Tunisie Telecom is supporting for the second consecutive year the annual technology competition launched by Enactus Tunisia. Under the theme ”Tech4COVID”, this prestigious competition is dedicated this year to young idea holders and entrepreneurs who want to develop or implement innovative and technological projects to meet the major challenges facing the world today. The proposed solutions should have positive economic, social and environmental impacts and responses to the problems linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through this partnership action, Tunisie Telecom reaffirms its commitment to support national efforts to combat the…

Algeria hosts meeting of countries neighbouring Libya on Monday

Algeria is hosting, on Monday, a ministerial meeting of the group of neighbouring countries of Libya, to find a political solution to the crisis in Libya.  Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Chad, and Niger affirmed their participation, and representatives of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the African Union (AU) were also expected to attend the meeting. Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune announced earlier that his country is“at the disposal” of Libya and ready to help it solve its neighbour’s problems.  Tebboune said that Algeria considers, “the final solution to the…

A glimmer of hope at the end of sight

After a decade of uncertainty, misery and fear of the future, Tunisian people voice their hope to see their country shaping its vital balance in this critical time. Tunisians are facing a tough political crisis at all levels, but they are still confident that it won’t last long and their top leader president Kais Saied serves his country with dedication and commitment by grappling with the huge problems as comment many experts. It is known that Tunisia is damaged over this last decade by the Islamist Ennahdha party ruling by…

Tunisia’s Junior Robotics Lab scaling cloud-based learning platform across borders

Having started life as a simple robotics club, Tunisian ed-tech startup Junior Robotics Lab now has resellers in various African and European markets, and is targeting further growth. Born in 2017 as an organiser of robotics clubs, with kids starting from the age of eight and learn how to design, code, and build robots, Junior Robotics Lab has gradually transitioned into the ed-tech space and was officially announced as a startup in January 2020, Disrupt Africa reports. These days, the startup is a cloud-based platform that helps schools to teach robotics and…

Borrell expected to visit Libya, Tunisia and Iraq in September

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Policy, Josep Borrell, intends to visit Libya, along with Tunisia and Iraq next month, the Libya Observer reports. The EU is in direct contact with Libya’s Government of National Unity (GNU), in order to fully organize Borrell’s visit to Tripoli, according to the Italian Nova Agency, citing Libyan sources for its information. On Sunday last, Borrell called for the creation of a European military force capable of fighting if called upon, suggesting: “A force of approximately 50,000 soldiers, who…

Tunisia halted at least 11 migrant boats headed for Italy

Tunisian security forces have stepped up their activities against irregular migration, AnsaMed reports. Italian interior ministry sources say that this came after the activation of a “direct line of communication between the Italian and Tunisian authorities for the rapid exchange of information on boats carrying irregular migrants departing from the North African country’s coasts and on criminal activities connected with this phenomenon”. The Tunisian Coast Guard has thwarted “eleven unauthorized attempts to cross the maritime border and rescued 231 people”, according to a Tunisian interior ministry statement, noting that among…

Natural and organic cosmetics are booming in Tunisia

Tunisia is witnessing significant growth of the natural cosmetics sector and its role in socio-economic development. Over 1,000 hectares are dedicated to the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants. There are 187 non-toxic aromatic and medicinal plant species, of which 80 are grown intensively. The country is currently the world’s leading exporter of neroli and the second largest exporter of rosemary oil. Exports of prickly pear seed oil also recorded a clear upward trend during 2020, despite the global economic crisis. To enhance knowledge sharing and strengthen market access for…

Tunisian navy rescues nearly 400 migrants after boats capsize

Tunisian naval forces rescued 396 migrants from drowning after several of their boats capsized in the middle of the night while making the journey across the Mediterranean to reach Italy, the Interior Ministry said on Tuesday More migrants have been attempting the dangerous crossing from the North African coast in recent weeks. Many of those setting off for a better life are from Syria, Bangladesh and other African countries, as well as Tunisians. Twelve people remain missing from a boat accident near the Mahdia resort area south of the capital…

Libya reopens borders with Tunisia

Libya reopened its air traffic and land borders with neighbouring country Tunisia on Thursday. The government sent correspondence in this regard to the ministers of Transport and Interior, underscoring the need to take protective measures against the Covid-19 pandemic, the Libya Observer reports The letters referred to previous recommendations set by relevant bodies that provided for the necessity of opening land and air crossings for health, humanitarian and economic reasons, with an emphasis on the need to take all the necessary precautions and sanitary shields. Libya closed its border with…