751 migrant crossing attempts halted from January to April

The Tunisian Coast Guard said it intercepted and blocked 751 attempts of irregular departures from its coast in the first four months of 2024. From the beginning of the year to April 30, the Tunisian Coast Guard blocked 751 attempted operations by migrants to depart from its coasts off the sea area of Sfax. The Direction of the Tunisian National Coast Guard shared this information in a press release on May 12, adding that during the same period, 21,545 migrants were rescued at sea, marking an increase compared to the…

600 MW Italy-Tunisia power link gets ministerial approval

A 600 MW power interconnector linking Italy and Tunisia is scheduled for completion in 2028 after receiving approval from the Italian energy ministry, the country’s TSO Terna said on Wednesday (MontelNews) Terna and Tunisian counterpart Steg planned to invest EUR 850m in the 220km Elmed link, the first power interconnector between Europe and North Africa, the former added in a statement, MontelNews reports. This infrastructure “will allow Italy, by virtue of its strategic geographic position, to strengthen its role as an electricity hub in Europe and the Mediterranean, becoming an…