The Indian film producer Sebin Sebastian said that Tunisia is full of beautiful landscapes that make it an ideal location for film shoots. Sebastian is part of the delegation of the Indian Organisation of Economy and Trade (IOET) at the seventh edition of the International Forum for Financing Investment and Trade in Africa (FITA 2024), held in Tunis on June 11 and 12 at the initiative of the Tunisian-African Business Council. Sebastian said in a statement to TunisianMonitoronline on the sidelines of the parallel workshop “Tunisia and India: Sustainable Alliances”,…
Day: June 13, 2024
Border crossing between Libya and Tunisia partially reopened after months of closure
The Rasjedir border crossing, a vital land link between Libya and Tunisia, will partially reopen on Thursday after months of closure, the Libyan Interior Ministry said. The decision to reopen came after talks between the two countries’ interior ministers in Libya’s capital Tripoli. The complete reopening of the crossing is scheduled for June 20, the same source reported. Located 170 km west of Tripoli, the Rasjedir crossing was closed on March 19 following an attack by a “criminal group”. It is a key crossing point for travellers between the two…