Voice of Gazans: journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh in Tunisia

Photo credit goes to SNJT Welcome to committed and dedicated journalist Director of Al Jazeera’s Tunis bureau, Lotfi Hajji, revealed, via a post on his official Facebook page, that Wael Al-Dahdouh, Al Jazeera’s Gaza bureau chief and correspondent, is visiting Tunisia. Wael Al. Dahdouh shares his experience with The Institute of Information Sciences (IPSI) students. Such a meeting is part of the program of Al Jazeera ambassadors organized between the Tunisian Institute of Press and Information Sciences (IPSI) and the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT). It offers the occasion…

The fate of the Palestinian people is one of tears and death

Netanyahu has once again seized the opportunity to carry out his brutal attacks on the displaced and defenceless Palestinians under the skies of the city of Rafah (the last security zone), which has been transformed into a closed military zone and the scene of Israeli military operations. The disastrous and painful situation in which the Palestinians find themselves in this new devastated city shows us their tragic and disastrous long-term fate. What can we say to the displaced Palestinians, crammed into Rafah, who remain alive, waiting to be frightened away…

The extreme suffering of the brave and patient Palestinian people

The horror of the Israeli genocide against defenceless Palestinian people during 122 days is something truly indescribable and very sorrowful. History does not witness such atrocities. The footage of people everywhere running and screaming, between shards of broken glass, building debris and traces of blood, is painful for all humanity even for some Jews within Israel and in the Diaspora, condemning Israel’s war on Gaza and expressing their solidarity with the people of the blockaded enclave. Even though it is the most Barbaric war in history, Palestinian people will rebuild…

Monitoring opportunities and meeting challenges for market expansion in 2024

With 2024 just around the corner, the Tunisian solar energy market is poised for significant expansion, presenting a myriad of opportunities and challenges. The country’s installed capacity will pass the 200 MW mark for solar PV capacity by 2023. In the last decade, Tunisia has demonstrated a growing interest in developing solar energy. The country has witnessed the launch of numerous initiatives and projects aimed at exploiting Tunisia’s vast solar potential. In particular, the deployment of large-scale, distributed solar systems has increased sharply, contributing to a more diversified energy mix.…

Tunisia and missed opportunities

We remain committed to dialogue to resolve our political differences. This is the only way to preserve Tunisian unity against all the dangers and divisions that threaten us at this crucial time. By dint of misleading speeches and blatant allegations, Tunisia is fully weakened and all aspects of life are undermined. We are in the midst of a month (January) in which Tunisians have historically experienced horrific political and social fragmentation under the skies of Tunisia and our fear of attempts to further hinder stability and increase misery in these…

A glimmer of hope at the end of sight

After a decade of uncertainty, misery and fear of the future, Tunisian people voice their hope to see their country shaping its vital balance in this critical time. Tunisians are facing a tough political crisis at all levels, but they are still confident that it won’t last long and their top leader president Kais Saied serves his country with dedication and commitment by grappling with the huge problems as comment many experts. It is known that Tunisia is damaged over this last decade by the Islamist Ennahdha party ruling by…

Letter from a wounded Palestine to Western leaders

History taught us that repression and injustice are not a permanent solution and all calculations of oppression betray soon or later the colonizer. This is the case of Palestine. Palestine means lasting sufferance and tragedy of a people experienced longer the soreness, pain and patience…a people with their first half martyrs, its second a refugees, and the others are waiting for their fate with courage.  Palestine remains away from seasons of happiness. It is not necessary to be a Palestinian to admire Palestinians for their bitter struggle, as commented an…

Undocumented migrants: how to break the overall solution deadlock?

The issue of the undocumented migrants from Tunisia and Libya, remains a burden and a serious problem for both Tunisia and European countries. Although the efforts striven by relevant authorities from both sides to curb the effect of this scourge, the situation went up to the worst by the increase of the number of Tunisians and other nationalities landing in Italy which prompt the Italian-EU delegation to hold talks constantly with senior Tunisian officials. The latest was between Tunisian President Kais Saied and European President Charles Michel at Carthage Palace. …

Are we headed to a complete breakdown?

Unfortunately, we have witnessed over the last days an unprecedented rise of political violence in a tense atmosphere. It is clear that political hatred discourse increasingly divides the country and threats the unity of Tunisians. The current situation damages deeply Tunisia’s reputation as well as subverts the Tunisian emerging democracy. The situation Tunisia is going through is so sorrowful and painful that it demands ultimate care and attention from all the society components. The mistrust between various political parties reaches its apex .The darker situation begs the question: are we…

Tunisia celebrates Revolution’s 10th anniversary in lockdown

Tunisia on Thursday commemorated the 10th anniversary of the 2011 Revolution, a popular uprising that marked the Arab Spring. Due to lockdown for four days starting Thursday to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the demonstrations are banned, there were no festive celebrations marking the revolution. Avenue Bourguiba, the main artery in the capital city of Tunis, which became a center of the uprising, was deserted. In past years, demonstrators have rallied to recall the momentous events that sparked the wider Arab Spring revolts and to push for more change, but this…