Special packages for Tunisian tourists at affordable prices, calls Tourism Minister

Minister of Tourism Mohamed Moez Belhassine has called for Tunisian tourists to be offered special packages at affordable prices to suit their purchasing power, says a statement from the Ministry of Tourism. At a working session held on Monday, following field visits and inspections of tourist facilities, Mr. Belhassine stressed the paramount importance of giving priority to domestic tourism. He stressed its role in revitalizing the economy and tourism activities, particularly in inland regions. Belhassine stressed the need to intensify control of tourist establishments and urged all professionals to commit…

Tunisia-Libya: Ras Jedir border crossing fully reopened

 The full reopening of the border crossing between Tunisia and Libya in both directions for the movement of people and goodswas annoinced by Minister of the Interior, Khaled Nouri, and his Libyan counterpart, Imed Mustapha Trabelsi, announced on Monday at the Ras Jedir border crossing (Medenine Governorate). The Ras Jedir border crossing was closed on the Libyan side last March. It was only partially reopened on June 13, following the signing of an agreement between the two countries’ interior ministers on June 12. The agreement included a number of points…

Agreement to train 2,000 Tunisians for jobs in Italy

A framework agreement was signed Tuesday in Tunis between the National Agency for Employment and Self-Employment (Aneti), the Tunisian Agency for Vocational Training (ATFP), the Italian Building and Public Works Association (Ance) and the Centro Elis Association, as part of the Thamm Plus Italia program. The announcement was made by the Italian Ambassador in Tunis, the European Union Mission in Tunis and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The agreement aims to provide certified technical and language training to 2,000 Tunisians, and to integrate them into ANCE network companies. “Through…

International symposium on innovation and interdisciplinarity at Beit Al Hikma

The Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts Beit Al Hikma, in collaboration with the National Library of Tunisia, is organizing an international symposium on innovation and interdisciplinarity, scheduled for October 25-26 at its headquarters, in honor of the late Mounira Chapoutot Remadi, eminent professor of archaeology and Muslim civilization at the University of Tunis. The symposium, dedicated to the soul of the defunct, will focus on a theme to be presented by a group of professors and researchers from various specialties, to shed light on her long academic career…

Tunisia: Enhancing geological heritage at Beit El Hikma

The Department of Islamic Studies of the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts Beit al-Hikma has organized a workshop on June 27 on the theme of “Legislative obligations relating to heritage”. The workshop, coordinated by Department Director Hmida Enneifer and Professor Mohamed Bouhlel, focused on the first scientific session on the place of heritage issues in national legislation and international conventions. The second session looked in particular at geological heritage in Tunisia: “Geo-parks in Tunisia between legislation and international conventions”, using the Dhahar’ geo-park in south-eastern Tunisia as a…

Border crossing between Libya and Tunisia partially reopened after months of closure

The Rasjedir border crossing, a vital land link between Libya and Tunisia, will partially reopen on Thursday after months of closure, the Libyan Interior Ministry said. The decision to reopen came after talks between the two countries’ interior ministers in Libya’s capital Tripoli. The complete reopening of the crossing is scheduled for June 20, the same source reported. Located 170 km west of Tripoli, the Rasjedir crossing was closed on March 19 following an attack by a “criminal group”. It is a key crossing point for travellers between the two…

From January to May, Tunisia prevents 30,281 undocumented migrants from crossing Mediterranean

Tunisia thwarted attempts by around 30,281 undocumented migrants to reach Italy via the Mediterranean in the first five months of 2024, the Tunisian National Guard said on Tuesday. ‘During the same period, Tunisian Maritime Guard units thwarted 1,041 attempts to smuggle migrants to the Italian coast,’ the National Guard said in a statement posted on its Facebook page. It added that Sea Guard units also recovered 462 bodies of illegal migrants, including seven Tunisian nationals. Located in the central Mediterranean, Tunisia is one of the most popular transit points for…

Italy signs agreement to welcome migrant workers from Tunisia

Italy signed an agreement on Friday to take in some 4,000 Tunisian workers, in line with its promises to help the North African state stem the pressure of migrants at its borders. The agreement was signed during a visit by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani to Tunis, where he was due to meet his counterpart Nabil Ammar and President Kais Saied, his office said. It provides for regular migration channels for “skilled workers” wishing to come to Italy, according to an Italian news note. Rome has also promised to help Tunisia…

Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia: “President Xi Jinping has accepted invitation to visit Tunisia”

Chinese Ambassador to Tunisia Wan Li said that President Xi Jinping has accepted the invitation extended to him by President Kais Saied to visit Tunisia, the date of which has not yet been set. During a press conference held on Thursday evening to talk about the outcomes of President Saied’s visit to China and the 10th session of the Ministerial Meeting for Arab-Chinese Cooperation, he said that President Saied was invited to participate in the China-Africa Summit to be hosted by Beijing the early next September. The Chinese ambassador reviewed…

Inaugurating of Ahmed Soekarno Street in Berges du Lac

Zuhairi Al-Masrawy, Ambassador of Indonesia to Tunisia, inaugurated Indonesian leader Ahmed Soekarno Street on Thursday morning in the presence of several regional officials of the Tunis Governorate, municipalities, media representatives, members of the Indonesian community and students. The Ambassador highlighted the historical, political and cultural significance of this inauguration, reviewing the strong ties between the two brotherly countries since the first visit of Habib Bourguiba during the national liberation movement to Indonesia in 1951, followed by the opening of Tunisia’s office in Jakarta in 1952, making Indonesia the first country…