First Sfax international olive oil business meetings

The 1st Sfax international olive oil business meetings, organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with support from the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Programme opened on Wednesday. In addition to official representatives of four foreign embassies in Tunisia (China, Turkey, Spain and South Africa), the event was marked by a significant participation of importers and purchasing groups from 11 countries. Foreign importers participating in this event come from countries that are promising markets for Tunisian olive oil (Russia, Canada, United States, Great Britain, Brazil, Thailand, South Africa, India,…

IFC, Amen Bank Expand Partnership to Boost Investment and Economic Growth in Tunisia

The FINANCIAL – The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, and Amen Bank signed an agreement today to help strengthen the bank’s positioning as a key player in the Tunisian financial system. IFC’s advisory team will help Amen Bank develop a comprehensive investor relations management framework aimed at improving financial communications nationally and globally. It will also help the bank better communicate on its strategy and pursue its development. “IFC is a key partner in helping us develop our business and allowing us to better…

Visit of Youssef Chahed to France for seeking economic boost

(Tunisian Monitor OnLine) – “The visit of Prime Minister Youssef Chahed has an economic and political dimension. Chahed will seek more consistent support from France, Tunisia’s 1st partner. The visit is strategic insofar as it takes place at a moment in which Tunisia faces difficult economic and social challenges. Youssef Chahed is accompanied on this visit with the Ministers of Tourism and Handicrafts and of Development, Investment and International Co-operation, the Minister in Charge of Relations with the House of People’s Representatives and Spokesman for the Government and the Secretary of…

Anxious world leaders seek clarity on Trump policies

(Reuters) – World leaders offered to work with Donald Trump when he takes over as U.S. president, but expressed anxiety over how he will handle problems from the Middle East to an assertive Russia and whether he will carry out a number of campaign threats. Several authoritarian and right-wing leaders hailed the billionaire businessman and former TV show host, who won the leadership of the world’s most powerful country against the odds in Tuesday’s election. China, a target of Trump’s ire during his campaign, appealed for cooperation. Mexico also struck…

Trump triumphs over Clinton in stunning White House upset

(Reuters) – Republican Donald Trump stunned the world by defeating heavily favored Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s presidential election, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path. A wealthy real-estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of anger toward Washington insiders to win the White House race against Clinton, the Democratic candidate whose gold-plated establishment resume includes stints as a first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state. Worried a Trump victory could cause economic and global uncertainty, investors…