Tunisia reports H5 bird flu in wild birds: OIE

Tunisia has reported an outbreak of the highly contagious H5 bird flu virus among wild birds in the north of the country, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) said on Wednesday, citing information from the Tunisian agriculture ministry. The outbreak was confirmed after testing of 30 wild birds found dead last month in the Ichkeul Natural Park, it said. “Tunisia is located in the main migratory corridor for wild birds going to Africa from Europe during winter migration. Migration is ongoing and this viral strain must have been carried…

IMF Managing Director Appoints Jihad Azour as Director of the Middle East and Central Asia

Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde appointed Jihad Azour as Director of the Middle East and Central Asia Department, according to a press release issued by IMF. He will assume his new position on March 1, 2017, replacing Masood Ahmed who left the Fund in October. “Mr. Azour brings a very well-rounded perspective, having held senior Leadership roles both in government, as Lebanon’s Minister of Finance, and in private sector” Ms. Lagarde said. She added that he has a “combining analytical insight and a proven ability to…

Beji Caid Essebsi visits Brussels seeking support to country’s fragile economy

Tunisian president Beji Caid Essebsi has come to Brussels to meet EU officials, as he seeks to boost security and shore up the country’s fragile economy, six years after the Arab Spring uprising. He called, Thursday, from the rostrum of the European Parliament in Brussels, for the need to build a strong and prosperous relation between Tunisia and Europe. “The democratic experience which has made important steps is still vulnerable…The Tunisian exception needs more than ever a strong support from European partners since the success of the Tunisian democracy is…

U.S. committed not only to highlighting Tunisia’s successes, but to supporting them directly, says U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce at Tunisia 2020

U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce Arun M. Kumar said at Tunisia 2020 International Investment conference said that Not only has Tunisia succeeded in creating a new and responsive political system, but it has also made great strides modernizing and reforming its economy. Over the past several months, we have witnessed the important steps taken to support private sector investments with the passage of the Public-Private Partnership and banking laws and a new investment code, he underlined. The U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce asserted, that President Obama and Secretaries Pritzker and Kerry…

The youthful path to ending Middle East wars

On the sixth anniversary of the Arab Spring, the region’s youth are even more embracing openness and freedom. They might help bring peace from below. Even though the Middle East is entangled in four wars and millions of refugees, many Arabs will mark an inspiring anniversary on Dec. 17. Six years ago a young entrepreneur in Tunisia, who was barred from selling fruit by corrupt police, started the Arab Spring with an act of self-immolation. His defiance and sacrifice led to pro-democracy protests that toppled four dictators. Only in Tunisia,…

ENI signs to develop renewables in Tunis

ENI signed a cooperation accord in Tunis on Wednesday for the development of renewable energy projects with state utility Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières (ETAP), sponsored by the Tunisian Energy, Mines and Renewable Energies Ministry, according to a release by ENI. It said the agreement “strengthens relations between ENI and ETAP, facilitates the development of new business opportunities and contributes to the energy development plan of the country”. The accord was signed during the ‘Tunisia 2020’ international conference promoting economic, social and sustainable development in Tunisia. ENI has been operating in…