Private Smart School celebrates partnership with AMIDEAST

The Private Smart School organised on Wednesday in its headquarters in les Jardins d’El Menzeh 2, a meeting with the press in partnership with the U.S. organisation AMIDEAST with attendance of its Director Chriss Chinn, the Regional Education Commissioner in Ariana and a representative of the Education Ministry.  The news conference, which was attended by several journalists, was an occasion to make an overview of the Smart School and its educational programme. It also provided the occasion to celebrate the partnership with the U.S. AMIDEAST organisation in matters of English-language…

Tunisia: Italy supports cross-border cooperation program

The National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (INSTM) and the IZS Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale of Sicily Tuesday signed a cooperation agreement. A stronger scientific cooperation between laboratories and research on fish products quality are at the core of the agreement, along with stepped-up complementarity and exchange of scientific and technical expertise. The accord fits within the framework of support to the cross-border cooperation programme (part of the European Neighborhood Programme) and the European partnership between Italy and Tunisia funded by the European Union through the Project – Marine Biotechnology…

Date for Tunisia’s Municipal elections proposed for November 26

The Independent High Authority for the Election (ISIE) in charge of organizing elections in Tunisia on Tuesday proposed November 26 as the date for holding the first municipal polls since the country’s 2011 revolution. “It is still possible to hold the elections in 2017,” said ISIE president, Chafik Sarsar, at a meeting with Prime Minister Youssef Chahed and party officials. He proposed November 26, a date which he said could be delayed until the first half of December, while calling for the timing to be decided this week. It could…

Tunisia to ease penalties for cannabis use

Tunis – Tunisians convicted of cannabis consumption will be able to avoid prison if it is their first offence, under new regulations issued on Wednesday. Tunisia has faced mounting calls from rights groups to reform a law that jails youths for a year for smoking a joint. Law 52, dating back to the rule of toppled dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, imposes a mandatory one-year jail sentence for narcotics use, ruling out any mitigating circumstances. But the National Security Council headed by President Beji Caid Essebsi on Wednesday announced…

US$100 Million to Protect the Environment and Promote Development in Tunisia’s Poorest Regions

The World Bank announced on March 15 a US$100 million project to support better management of forests, rangelands and agricultural landscapes for more jobs and increased incomes in the North-West and Center-West regions of Tunisia, where almost half of the poorest segment of the population are concentrated. While addressing the impacts of climate change and preserving the landscape’s natural resources, which are essential for protecting local livelihoods that are heavily dependent on agriculture, forests and rangelands, integrated management of the region’s forests and rangelands alone has the potential of raising…