Britain’s shameful abandonment of Libya needs to end

The exposure of refugees being sold as slaves in Libya raises uncomfortable questions about our national debt of conscience You could be forgiven for not being aware of the horrific reports from Libya which have gained momentum in some parts of the press this week. I emphasise the word some — within the last week, no broadsheet paper has featured on its front page the story which should be unthinkable in 2017: that West African refugees are now victim to a slave trade which has sprung up in the Libyan hinterlands,…

How sustainable is our country”s food system? Ethiopia does better than US, China and Nigeria

Can lower-income countries develop sustainable food systems? ·         France, Japan and Germany lead the world ·         Ethiopia, coming 12th in our Food Sustainability Index, performed better than both the US and China. ·         Nigeria came 24th out of the 34 countries in the coverage, performing better than Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Brazil, India and United Arab Emirates. Food represents a common thread linking the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by UN member states in 2015. The Food Sustainability Index (FSI), developed by The Economist Intelligence Unit with the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition, is…

Stash of bullets discovered near Christmas market in Berlin not linked to terrorism – police

A “large amount” of ammunition was discovered Sunday evening near a Christmas market in Berlin, prompting the police to sweep the area. Authorities, however, claim the discovery is not uncommon, and unlikely linked to terrorism. The ammunition, according to the publication, was discovered by a tenant of an underground car park at Spandauer Damm. The individual immediately alerted police. The munitions were allegedly found behind a stack of winter tires in a small plastic bag. There were around 200 rounds of new 7.65 caliber ammunition, according to the report. The cartridges were…

Egyptian young businessman Omar Sakr wins ‘elevator pitch’ at the Africa 2017 Forum

Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt, awarded Omar Sakr, founder and CEO of Nawah-Scientific, the winning prize for the “elevator pitch” competition, which was held at Africa 2017 at Sharm-el-Sheikh, in Egypt. The prize is an entry to a training programme at Stanford Business School in California, the spiritual home of modern day entrepreneurs. The competition, as part of Young Entrepreneurs Day, offered a chance for African start-ups to gain exposure and raise their profile by pitching their business ideas to an international delegation of executives…