Tourism revenues of almost 6.5 billion dinars

As of November 20, 2023, Tunisia’s cumulative tourism receipts stood at 6.437 billion dinars, compared with 4.875 billion dinars at the same date last year. Over the first nine months of 2023, the number of non-resident arrivals and hotel overnight stays rose by 74.1% and 29.6% respectively. This upward trend is also evident in the transport sector. The number of air passengers rose by 30.7% in the first nine months of 2023, compared with the same period of the previous year. Remittances from Tunisians living abroad reached a record level…

Electric cars made in Tunisia soon to hit market

Produced in Mghira, in the governorate of Ben Arous by a Tunisian company and engineers, the Bako electric car will be on the market in April 2024. Compact and practical, Bako is the name of the electric car made in Tunisia that has just left Boubaker Siala’s workshops in Mghira, in the governorate of Ben Arous. With three seats, a sunroof, a reversing camera, and air conditioning, the one-by-two-meter prototype looks great. Fully rechargeable at home, this electric car does not require a driver’s license, vignette or registration. Market launch…