Chahed expected in Berlin beginning of 2017, Merkel in Tunis in first quarter of 2017 (Presidency of Republic)

“Prime Minister Youssef Chahed will pay a working visit to Germany at the beginning of 2017,” announced the Presidency of the Republic in a press release, Friday. The announcement was made following the phone talk, Friday morning, between President Beji Caid Essebsi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Chahed’s visit in Berlin will be followed by Merkel’s to Tunisia in the first quarter of 2017. During the phone talk, Caid Essebsi and Merkel agreed to increase exchange of visits between the two countries’ senior officials to boost bilatreal cooperation.

Tunisian expelled from Italy

 Ex-convict showed signs of radicalization A 37-year-old Tunisia ex-convict was expelled from Italy on Friday for State security reasons, sources said. The man, who had shown recent signs of religious radicalization, was put onto a flight to Tunis. The interior ministry said the move was not linked to the Tunisian man suspected of this week’s attack in Berlin who was killed near Milan on Friday. With Friday’s move, 131 extremists have been ejected from Italy since January 2015, including 65 in 2016. ANSA

HPR Speaker signs book of condolence at German embassy after Berlin attack

Speaker of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) Mohamed Ennaceur Thursday offered condolences, at the premises of the German embassy in Tunis, after Monday’s Berlin Christmas market terror attack that killed 12 people and injured 48. Ennaceur signed a book of condolence on behalf of MPs and expressed deep compassion and sympathies to the families of victims and the German people. He also voiced determination to carry on efforts to stand up against terrorism that threatens global security and stability. German Ambassador to Tunisia Andreas Reinicke hailed, for his part,…

Beji Caid Essebsi’s phone talk with German Chancellor, he condemns recent terrorist attack in Berlin

President Beji Caid Essebsi, on Friday morning, had a phone talk with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The phone talk turned, notably, on Monday’s terrorist attack in Berlin that left several dead and wounded among civilians, a Presidency of the Republic press release said. The Head of State reiterated, on the occasion, Tunisia’s unequivocal condemnation of this cowardly terrorist attack and called on the German authorities for further co-ordination and collaboration to face terrorism which, according to him, threatens the peace and stability of all countries and all societies. The talk…

OpenFab Tunisia organises «Ija M3ana 2017» meeting

OpenFab Tunisia organises  on  Sunday,the « Ija M3ana 2017» meeting which is an occasion to know about the the OpenFab Association Tunisia, its members, its past activities, its programme for 2017. The gathering also provides the opportunity to collaborate with a project of the association, become a partner or being a member and even a volunteer. OpenFab Tunisia is a Tunisian association whose goal is to promote DIY culture, Open Source Hardware in Tunisia. It organises training to popularise digital manufacturing and the opensource hardware … It also plans to make…

Moez Fezzani landed in Tunisia from Egypt

According to Tunisian website business news, the  terrorist Moez Fezzani landed in Tunisia from Egypt this morning around 10:00 am on December 23.. He was immediately transferred to prison after his wife and children were also returned to Tunisia. He will be interrogated by the Tunisian anti-terrorist units and will have to answer for several accusations including his involvement in the attacks of the Bardo and Sousse, business news added. Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera underlined recently that  Fezzani, 46, had previously been captured in Pakistan in 2002. Held at…

Tunisia: hotel visitors reach over 5.4 million (Minister)

Tunisian hotels have accommodated more than 5.4 million visitors during the previous period of 2016, including two million Tunisian tourists, Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts Salma Elloumi Rekik reported, highlighting the importance of domestic tourism which has accounted for about 30% of the market. The tourist sector will recover, in 2017, since 2016 has been saved, in view of the great decline in 2015, she told TAP correspondent on the sidelines of her visit Wednesday afternoon to a hand-crafted gift fair in Nabeul. She said preparations for the 2017 season…

Tunisia: ILO launches “PROMESS” Project to promote social and solidarity economy

The International Labor Organization (ILO) and its social partners announced at a workshop held Wednesday in Tunis a project called “PROMESS” to promote social and solidarity economy organizations and mechanisms. The project, launched in collaboration with the Ministries of Social Affairs and Employment, the Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT), the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA) and the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries (UTAP), is financed by Netherlands and will run from 2016 to 2019. Karim Toumi, “PROMESS” Project Manager told reporters on the sidelines of a…

Berlin suspect Amri killed near Milan

Anis Amri, the man suspected of Monday’s attack on a Christmas market in Berlin in which 12 people died, was killed in a shootout at Sesto San Giovanni, near Milan, on Friday, Interior Minister Marco Minniti said. He was identified on the basis of his appearance and fingerprints, anti-terrorism sources in Milan said. Amri arrived in Italy from France, according to anti-terrorism Digos police. He went from Chambery to Turin and then took a train to Milan, where he arrived at around 1:00. Then he went from Milan’s Stazione Centrale…