Algeria takes delivery of eight jets, Sukhoi Su-30 MKA fighters from Russia (Algerian Alkhabar Online)

According to Algerian Arab-language Alkhabar Online, Algeria took delivery today of eight jets, Sukhoi Su-30 MKA fighters. On the other side, Russian Sputnik News Website revealed few days ago that Russia started the delivery of the jets to Algeria under the contract signed late 2015 to deliver 14 Su-30MKA fighters, a variant of the Su-30 developed specifically for the Algerian Air Force. The North African state already operates 44 Su-30MKA fighters, manufactured in Irkutsk. Sputnik added that Russia has also reportedly started delivery of its Mikoyan MiG-29 fighters to Algeria…

Tunisia starts New Year with three festivals in south

The desert and its culture are at the center of three festivals that will be showcased during Tunisia’s tourism season in the south at the beginning of 2017. The first to kick off is ”Desert Extra” in Tataouine, a cultural, touristic and sports event on January 9-11 in Douiret with the aim of showcasing the rich historic heritage and geographical difference of the region, as well as promote its touristic vocation. Concerts, guided tours and open laboratories have been organized. A 42-km marathon has also been organized on the second…

Cologne police under fire for NYE blitz

Authorities stopped hundreds of men of North African descent at train stations. Police in Cologne who stopped and checked the identity papers of hundreds of men of North African appearance on New Year’s Eve have been accused of racial profiling, German media reported Monday. According to the city’s police chief Jürgen Mathies, several hundred young men, 98 percent of whom were of North African origin, gathered at two main train stations. Many exhibited signs of aggressive behavior and were dispersed, authorities said. While that likely helped curb violence and assaults on New Year’s Eve, Green Party leader Simone Peter…

Essebsi’s interview with Leaders Magazine: Tristate Summit to Resolve Libyan Crisis

President Beji Caid Essebsi said that  a tristate summit that includes Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia is being prepared to resolve the Libyan crisis. Essebsi announced that an initiative to  set the crisis in Libya has been launched, referring to meetings of ministries of foreign affairs that will take place ahead  of the upcoming summit. The President said during an interview with Leaders Magazine that “stability in Libya is of high importance” and that the Libyan issue  was discussed during his last meeting with Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. He laid emphasis…

Migrants try to cross border at Spain’s Ceuta

Officials at the Spanish enclave of Ceuta on January 1 reported that a group of 1,100 people from sub-Saharan Africa tried to pass a high double border fence at 4am in an “extremely violent and organised” assault. According to an official statement, none managed to get through, except for two who were badly injured and taken to hospital in Ceuta. They tried “to force open some of the doors in the external fence, using iron bars, wire cutters and large stones with which they assaulted Moroccan forces and [Spanish] Guardia…