Tunisia vows to ‘take responsibility’ after Berlin attack

Tunisia will “assume its responsibilities” on unwanted immigrants, President Beji Caid Essebsi said on Thursday after Germany threatened to cut development aid to countries that stall on the return of rejected asylum seekers. In response to failings which kept the suspected attacker at a Berlin Christmas market on December 19th from being deported to Tunisia before the carnage, German officials have threatened to end development aid. “Europe must be calm. Tunisia is a country which assumes its responsibilities,” Essebsi told AFP during a reception at the presidential palace. “We have…

Dispute over German development aid for North Africa

North African states deemed safe countries of origin often refuse to take back rejected asylum seekers from Europe. Now, many German politicians are considering development aid as leverage to deport unwanted refugees. Both German coalition partners, the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats (CDU), now want to cut development aid for countries that refuse to take back their citizens. The most dramatic reason is the alleged Berlin Christmas market attacker Anis Amri. The Tunisian citizen was supposed to have been deported long before the attack…

Master any skill with these 6 steps

Robert Greene explained in his book, Mastery, how one can achieve mastery in any skill while clearly indicating that mastery is earned not granted. In the past , there were no books , no internet , no documents that craftsman could learn from . Apprentices had to learn by observing and listening to masters . That is the power of mirror neurons  Today , However , we are very lucky since old teachers and masters have documented most of their knowledge . Although we still have to practice , it…

Enda Tamweel launches its first mobile counters for inland governorates

Enda Tamweel has announced three mobile counters in inland governorates namely  Jendouba, Mahdia and Nabeul to enable micro-entrepreneurs to benefit from micro-credit in isolated and disadvantaged areas. The first of these counters starts its tour from the Jendouba agency on Saturday to serve Oued Meliz, Ghardimaou, Fernana and Aïn Draham. From January 10, the second counter will start serving Boumerdes, Karkar and El Jem from the Mahdia agency.  Finally, on January 21, 2017, the third window will start from the agency of Nabeul to serve Kelibia, Hammam Ghezez, Dar Allouche…

Tunisia: “Disrupt Revolution”, crossroads of young entrepreneurs from southern Tunisia

Mercy Corps Tunisia, its platform Micro Mentor Tunisia and its partner Cozi Coworking Café celebrate the revolution under the sign of entrepreneurship. On Saturday, January 14 and Sunday, January 15, 2017, “Disrupt Revolution” gives an appointment to young entrepreneurs from the south of Tunisia in the premises of Cozi Coworking Café in Houmt Souk, Djerba. This event aims to make the region a new hub of decentralized innovation, employability and entrepreneurship.Several young people have met the challenge of investing in cities of the south which, despite their development potential and…

Germany welcomed far fewer immigrants in 2016

The immigration crush that created a crisis for the government of German Chancellor Angela Merkeleased markedly in 2016, authorities said Wednesday. Germany received 280,000 asylum-seekers in 2016, less than a third of the 890,000 total in 2015 at the height of the crisis, the Interior Ministry said. War-torn Syria remained the most common country of origin, with Afghanistan and Iraq also responsible for large numbers. “This shows that the measures taken by the government and the European Unionare effective,” Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said. “By means of resolute measures, we have…