Tunis International book fair

The Tunis International book fair is set to open on March 25 in El Kram Exhibition Center (Tunisian suburb). As an exceptional event for the lovers of books and titles,  the book fair offers them the chance to communicate with prominent writers and to find out beautiful titles while it is for others an opportunity to celebrate culture and to assess the book industry. Traditionally, in every session local media endeavour to carry out media coverage and follow-up of senior visitors, writers and creators.  Furthermore it spotlight new literally, scientific,…

Eight European countries to work with Tunisia on central Mediterranean migration issues

High-level contact group established at Rome conference Home Affairs ministers from seven EU member states, Switzerland and Tunisia have agreed to increase coordination and exchange more information in the management of migration flows through the central Mediterranean. The newly-established contact group will see Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Libya, Malta, Slovenia, Switzerland and Tunisia work together to address challenges posed by increased migration flows along the central Mediterranean route.  The group will also include EU top diplomat Federica Mogherini and Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos. Agreement was reached during a conference held in…

Ternienergia to install 10 MW solar plant in Tunisia

The Italian solar developer will build a 10 MW PV facility in Tozeur, southern Tunisia. The company will sign the $12.5 million contract for the project within a few days. The Italian renewable energy company and solar developer Ternienergia has confirmed to pv magazine it will sign a contract to build a 10 MW PV plant in Tunisia on March 23, as previously reported by Italian press agency Ansa. The company announced the $12.5 million order in January. The contract for the project will be signed with the country’s state-owned…

Tunisia at 61: Piecemeal reforms enacted

The government of Tunisia has agreed to implement much-delayed economic reforms as it celebrates the 61st anniversary of its independence from France on Monday 20 March.  Following a visit to the country in early February, an IMF team and the Tunisian government agreed that “urgent action” was needed on fiscal policies and economic reforms that had been agreed when a four-year IMF Extended Fund Facility (EFF) was agreed in May 2016, but not yet implemented. Finance Minister Lamia Zribi has revealed that the IMF decided to postpone the payment of…

FBI confirms investigation into Trump campaign ties with Russia

The FBI is investigating whether any Trump campaign officials colluded with the Russian government, Director James Comey testified to Congress in a public session Monday, officially confirming President Trump’s associates are being probed. Mr. Comey also firmly shot down Mr. Trump’s claim that President Obama had “tapped” Trump Tower, saying no component of the Justice Department did anything of the sort. “The department has no information that supports those tweets,” Mr. Comey said.  As late as last week, Mr. Trump and the White House had insisted the president’s claims would…

SITIC Africa 2017 digital expo set to open in Tunis

The second edition of SITIC, the three-day international exhibition for information and communications technology (ICT) in Africa, is set to open in Tunis on April 18 at the city’s Kram Exhibition Center, according to a statement released by the Milan office of the Tunisian Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA). The event aims to build awareness of what Tunisia has to offer in the ICT sector, providing a platform for networking between various players in the industry upon the backdrop of a triangular cooperation between Tunisia, Europe, and Africa. International partners…