San Giusto Ship of EU naval operation in central Mediterranean docks at La Goulette Quay

The Italian military ship “L9894 San Giusto” docked on Monday at the quay of la Goulette port, in Tunis, for a two-day period. It docks for the first time in a Tunisian port. This first visit is part of the European Union (EU) naval operation in the Mediterranean, called Eunavfor Med or “Sophia”, an operation to which Tunisia contributes as a partner. EU ambassador to Tunisia, Patrick Bergamini, told a press briefing aboard the ship, that this military operation was launched on May 18, 2015 by the EU as part…

Embassy of Morocco to Tunisia organises conference on “Maghreb Africa what economic paths for the consolidation of continental integration?”

“Maghreb Africa what economic paths for the consolidation of continental integration?” is the theme of a conference debate to be organised on Tuesday morning by the embassy of Morocco to Tunisia in the headquarters of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA). Latifa Akharbach, Ambassador of Morocco to Tunisia will open the event which will be attended by Tunisian and international officials namely Minister of Development, Investment and International Co-operation Fadhel Abdelkefi, Secretary of State for Trade Abdellatif Hammam and Mrs. Assitan Diarra-Thioune Director Representative of the African…

Tunisia launches first wind and solar tender

Tunisia has launched a power tender aiming to award deals to 140MW of wind and 70MW of solar capacity. Selected projects will sell power under a long-term PPA to the state-owned utility Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company (Steg). The tender, opened by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Renewable Energies, is the first in a series planned by the Tunisian government, which is looking to install around 1GW of renewables capacity by 2020. Local media reports say the Tunisian government estimates that the projects selected in the tender will require…

Saudi ITFC boosts Tunisia’s economy through signing $310million agreements

The International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC), a member of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group, signed two Murabaha Agreements with the total amount of US$ 310 million. The first agreements is in favour of the Govt. of Tunisia represented by the Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company as the executing agency for financing the sourcing of natural gas for an amount of US$160 million and the Tunisian Company of the Refining Industries to finance the imports of crude oil and petroleum products for an amount of US$150 million. The agreements…

Quality of life on rise for many Africans, report says

Africans are seeing a steady improvement in the quality of their lives, with some countries even nearing world averages, says a wide-ranging report out Monday on the continent’s future. While large portions of the continent’s 1.2 billion people live in poverty, many of Africa’s 54 nations have made significant progress in health, education and standard of living. “At least a third of African countries have now achieved medium to high levels of human development,” said the report published by the African Development Bank, referring to a composite measure of a…