Trump Declares Victory, Heads Home To Face More Russia Scandal

President Donald Trump couldn’t return home from his first foreign trip without taking a quick victory lap.

Despite the media’s efforts to paint a strained or even no-existent relationship between President Donald Trump and his wife, the couple’s affection for one another was noted in the Mail article.

POTUS addressed troops at the Sigonella Naval Air Station in Sicily before returning home, noting the recent attacks in Manchester, England and Egypt as a way to emphasize the need to defeat terrorism.

“The single greatest strength to our armed forces is you, you, all of you”, Trump said to the troops.

Daniela Schwarzer, research director at the German Council of Foreign Relations in Berlin, said the trip had confirmed Trump’s “zero-sum game” view of the world in which you are either a victor or a loser and relationships are transactional.

At the Group of 7 summit in the coastal town of Taormina, leaders launched an aggressive, behind-the-scenes campaign to get him to stay in the Paris climate accord.

But almost half of that speech was spent recounting his perceived accomplishments, from concluding an arms deal with Saudi Arabia (it had been years in the making) to forcing North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies to increase how much they spend on defense (a commitment they agreed to in 2014, under former President Barack Obama). Trump advisers repeatedly described the trip as historic and groundbreaking, including one senior official who brashly said without evidence that Trump had “united the entire Muslim world”. The decision may have been based on the continued stream of news reports from Washington during his overseas jaunt about the ongoing FBI investigation into his campaign’s contacts with Russian Federation.

In Washington, though, a newly appointed special counsel is just beginning his investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

But first Trump has one more day in Sicily, which will include discussions of global economy and climate, a meeting with small African nations – Trump will be seated between the leaders of Niger and Tunisia – and migration issues. He will be seated between the leaders of Niger and Tunisia, according to White House economic adviser Gary Cohn.

Trump also railed against Germany while overseas, denouncing on Friday the country’s trade surplus with the USA and promising to end it. And some are starting to question the chances for Trump’s pledge to overhaul the USA tax code.

“My pledge to you is that we will always protect those who protect us”.

The leaders of Germany and France also expressed disappointment.

Mrs. Trump adds that she’s very proud of how hard the president worked on the trip on behalf of the U.S.

Trump will spend Saturday at the second day of the G-7 summit in Sicily, bringing to an end a nine-day trip that started in Saudi Arabia and Israel before moving on to Europe.


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