China made 10% of tourists visiting Africa in 2016

he massive influx of Chinese tourists to Africa has in the recent years made a buzz, and it is for all possible reasons. After seven consecutive years of annual double-digit growth in spending, China continues to lead global outbound travel, reaching US$ 261 billion of Chinese travelers’ expenditure in 2016, a 12% growth since 2012. Approximately 135 million Chinese outbound tourists travelled in 2016, out of which 10% were bound for Africa up from 3% in 2008. As at the end of Q1/2016, China’s economy stood at an approximate $11.3…

Could running be the key to living longer?

s New York limbers up to host the world’s biggest marathon on Sunday, runners around the world will be picturing its storied finish line to push for that extra kilometer (mile). But is running actually good for your health? Yes, say experts, as long as you are careful. Running for a longer life Runners are 30 percent less likely to have a premature death and 45 percent less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than non-runners, according to a US study published March in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.…

Tunisia best in Arab world for gender equality

Gender equality in the Middle East and North Africa is at its best in Tunisia and the country is currently ranked 117th out of 144 countries surveyed by the latest Global Gender Gap Index. After ten years of progress, the gender gap is widening for the first time in almost a decade and the gap between men and women in the areas of health, education, politics and employment is further accentuated, according to the latest report on gender equality prepared by World Economic Forum. Tunisia has improved slightly with a score of 0.651…

Tunisia Aims To Strengthen Trade Relations With ECOWAS Region

Tunisia plans to increase its trade with other African countries in general, and with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in particular. This was stated by the Tunisian Minister of Commerce, Omar Behi, after the courtesy visit he paid to Marcel de Souza, President of the Commission of the West African Organisation, on 2 November 2017, in Abuja, Nigeria. “The first phase of the trade will be with ECOWAS, which will be the largest gathering of countries on the African continent,” said Mr. Behi. A memorandum of understanding…

We know and believe in Allah more than they do…

Farewell Commander Riadh Barrouta. We remain recognizing and remembering you as well as your colleagues, whom their bloods have been shed on roads, hills and mountains for securing the country from any hazard and terrror. You are the hero and the martyr and paradise is your everlasting home. So rest in peace and we all pray for you for a better home. But the doer of the cowardly act is but an ignorant whose last refuge is hell. Ultimately, you are a real martyr, who are a victim of a…