We know and believe in Allah more than they do…

Farewell Commander Riadh Barrouta. We remain recognizing and remembering you as well as your colleagues, whom their bloods have been shed on roads, hills and mountains for securing the country from any hazard and terrror. You are the hero and the martyr and paradise is your everlasting home. So rest in peace and we all pray for you for a better home. But the doer of the cowardly act is but an ignorant whose last refuge is hell.

Ultimately, you are a real martyr, who are a victim of a blind and blazed terror. It was a terrible crime and we do not find any similar atrocity. We do believe that you are one of nominal lists of martyrs who paved the way for bringing security and peace to our country, despite the high and painful cost.  Your killer who doesn’t know Allah regarding the fact that he is a killer, we will not grieve for his fate for the simple reason that he is a murderer .You deserve, commander, to be a beacon of light for all those who are belonging to the security body

We are convinced , that such hard circumstances, require from us to be calm, solidary and cautious to overcome the scourge of terrorism, in its alarming  new little lonely wolves who seek to spread panic and sorrow among us.

Fighting against the heinous terrorist acts remains the fundamental challenge and inclusive duty for all especially families and civil society, as they are in the front line to keep our youth away from the threat of terrorism and to guarantee and boost safety under the sky of Tunisia.

It is very necessary to halt any fear that extends inside our souls and feelings.

God bless you commander..Riadh

TunisianMonitorOnLine –  Ben Rhouma Chedly



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