EU and Tunisia end negotiations on new aviation agreement

The European Union (EU) has concluded a new set of negotiations with the Tunisian Government for the development of a futuristic aviation agreement. The agreement is expected to provide additional market access for airlines as well as offer improved connectivity, more choice and reduced fares for travellers. Negotiated by the European Commission as part of its Aviation Strategy for Europe, the agreement also seeks to bring another 800,000 passengers to Tunisia over a period of five years. The deal could further generate a GDP growth of 2.7% from travel and…

European Commission announces €9 billion in climate aid for partner countries

During the One Planet Summit, the European Commission announced a series of climate-smart investments for Africa and the EU Neighbourhood countries worth €9 billion. The news is part of the EU External Investment Plan, which was adopted in September to boost climate investment in partner countries in Africa and the European Neighbourhood. These are countries which lie to the east and south of the EU, including Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine. The External Investment Plan aims to leverage a total of €44 billion of investment by 2020 through…

Libyan women seek greater role in forthcoming governance system

Leading Libyan women concluded a two-day consultative meeting on the political changes happening now in Libya and the impact on women’s participation in the forthcoming governance system. The meeting, organized last week by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as part of UN efforts to promote the women’s participation in Libya’s political sector, brought together academics, previous government officials, two members from the House of Representatives and the State Council, regional and youth female representatives and women residing outside Libya. Deputy…

Key Middle East Publics See Russia, Turkey and U.S. All Playing Larger Roles in Region

Most do not expect Syrian war to end in 2018 Majorities across five Middle Eastern and North African countries agree that Russia, Turkey and the United States are all playing more important roles in the region than they did 10 years ago, according to a spring 2017 Pew Research Center survey. While a median of 53% across the same countries also see Iran playing a more important role, fewer in the region say that Israel and Saudi Arabia have gained influence in the past 10 years. The only country the…