The Tunisian film “The Sandwich” a short film by Iteb Akaichi, screened exclusively and for free on Artify, the first platform for film distribution in Tunisia.
“The Sandwich”, is a short dramatic film that deals with the exploitation of minors to beg, starring Mohamed Akacha and Mohamed Ali Mahfouth, shot in the city of La Marsa with the support of Ooredoo Tunisia.
A short film, but one that deals with a deep issue, which is the marginalized childhood in our society, including the phenomenon of children exploited to beg for them. This phenomenon is widespread in the summer, but we have not seen any response or solutions from the state or the competent authorities when the child is a victim of a corrupt society.
Akaichi embodied this phenomenon in a distinct cinematic way, forcing the viewer to rewatch the film in order to understand it, This is the first film of his career, as he shot it at the age of 18.
Iteb Akaichi, born September 6, 1996 in Tunis. He is a director, blogger, founder, and president of the association “Initiative of Tunisian youth”. He is known for his blogs calling for change by calling for digitization, renewal, and development of Tunisia’s administration and reform of the education system. Akaichi is on the front page of the magazine L’Observatoire Économique for the June 2021 edition and the recipient of the award for the best Tunisian blogger for the year 2021.
Iteb Akaichi awarded best Tunisian blogger
Iteb Akaichi won the award for best Tunisian blogger at the party organized by Katex Consulting, a company specializing in opinion polls, in the night of April 28, 2022, at the Hotel Laico Tunis to honor the stars of the year 2021 and Ramadan 2022 in Tunisia.
The president of the Tunisian Youth Initiative Association, activist and blogger, had become known for his writings published on many Tunisian, Arab, and international sites and in various languages, speaking on many topics, including the fate of the Tunisian revolution, illegal immigration, education, and digitization.