Sheikha Mai Al Khalifa Icon of Arab Heritage

Tunisia is a place of heritage, the source of development, and the first milestone in this impressive effort

The National Heritage Institute (Dar Hussein) in the old city of Tunis organised the signing ceremony of the book “World Heritage Sites in the Arab Countries”, part two.

World Heritage Sites in the Arab Countries

At the beginning of the opening ceremony, Minister of Cultural Affairs, Hayet Ketat Guermazi, said that this distinguished book, with its valuable and accurate historical information on all these archaeological sites and monuments, will contribute to strengthening the map of Arab heritage on the one hand, and to enhancing all its human, cultural and natural components to make it a fundamental pillar of sustainable development and a real engine of the national economy. She pointed out that the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation (ALECSO) has contributed to the preparation of the first part in the culture department,

ALECSO Director General Mohamed Ould Amar spoke about the historical and visual value of Arab heritage sites, stressing the importance of this cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and praising the achievements of the Department of Culture.

He added that this event is considered a cultural achievement to preserve this great impact achieved by Sheikha Mai through her journey, which was dedicated to the discovery of places which were not known. The Director General thanked Tunisia for its interest in human heritage through agreements with the concerned parties.

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abdul Aziz bin Ali Al-Saqr hailed this great effort, through what has been screened from the discovered sites and what is included in the distinguished book in all its dimensions, stressing the need to strengthen the partnership between the parties concerned with this noble heritage.

Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Ibrahim Mahmoud Ahmed Abdullah, expressed his gratitude to Tunisia for hosting this important event, which reflects the importance and depth of bilateral relations between the two brotherly states.

This event reflects the importance and depth of bilateral relations between the two brotherly peoples, he indicated, expressing pleasure to see tangible development through the development of the bilateral relationship.

He also commended the role of the Director General of ALECSO, Mr. Mohamed Ould Amar, for this cooperation and coordination with Tunisia to achieve a significant construction through the efforts of ALECSO in sister Tunisia.

Sheikha Mai expressed her gratitude for this festive celebration at this historical site, which shows the deep solidarity between the countries.

She said that the celebration at this historic site shows the deep roots of Tunisia throughout history. She indicated that this is the first signing of the second part of the work, which will be in Tunisia (first), voicing gratefulness for the attendance and honour which reflects the importance of the historical and bilateral relations between the countries.

At the end of the ceremony, copies were distributed to the audience in an elegant special edition.

TunisianMonitorOnline (Bassam Ouda)

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