Tunisia obtains loan to strengthen food security and electricity supply

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has approved a 220 million euro (US$233 million) loan for Tunisia to strengthen its food security and electricity supply, the Tunisian economy and planning ministry said in a statement on Sunday.

Two financing agreements were signed in the capital Tunis between Samir Saied, Minister of Economy and Planning, and Lionel Rapaille, director of lending operations in the EU’s neighbouring countries at the EIB, according to the statement.

The first agreement of €150 million was signed to improve food security in Tunisia, the statement added.

Rapaille stressed that the financing agreement will help ensure food security in Tunisia in the face of climate change and the global crisis in raw material supplies due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

At the same time, Saied and Rapaille signed another agreement worth €70 million to finance a programme by the Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company to upgrade the company’s infrastructure to facilitate the transfer and distribution of electricity.


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