BioNTech acquires Tunisian-born and UK-based AI startup InstaDeep for £562M

German-based biotech company BioNTech SE is set to acquire InstaDeep, a Tunis-born and U.K.-based artificial intelligence (AI) startup, for up to £562 million (~$680 million) in its largest deal yet. Per Financial Times, the German vaccine maker intends to use InstaDeep’s machine learning to “improve its drug discovery process, including developing personalised treatments tailored to a patient’s cancer.” BioNTech is said to pay £362 million — a mix of cash and an undisclosed amount of BioNTech shares — upfront. The remaining £200 million is dependent on how InstaDeep performs in…

Tunisia and missed opportunities

We remain committed to dialogue to resolve our political differences. This is the only way to preserve Tunisian unity against all the dangers and divisions that threaten us at this crucial time. By dint of misleading speeches and blatant allegations, Tunisia is fully weakened and all aspects of life are undermined. We are in the midst of a month (January) in which Tunisians have historically experienced horrific political and social fragmentation under the skies of Tunisia and our fear of attempts to further hinder stability and increase misery in these…