Tunisia: Economic collapse and a mad football Mercato


Tunisia has long been suffering from a sick economy lugging behind since the revolution. Many suggestions have been proposed to cure the situation and give a glance of hope to Tunisians who still believe in the values of revolution among which facing corruption. Many Tunisians think that the solution relies neither in the reconciliation law (that finds a reconciliation between the corrupted businessmen under the regime of Ben Ali and the state) nor in getting more loans but in combating the empire of corruption that still gnawing the already damaged economy.

Employees are usually under the risk of not being paid and every end of a month Tunisians live the nightmare of salaries payment. What adds to the miserable situation is that the head of the national central bank is sending again and again a distress call concerning the shortage of motto (international currency) reserves. This means that Tunisia is no longer able to pays its credits and pay for the imported goods. This is mainly due to the recess of the tourism sector and the fall of the number of visitors to Tunisia after the successive terrorist attacks.

In regard to this miserable situation, the ministries of finance and youth and sport called the teams not to recruit foreign players or coaches but the calls received deaf ears. The motto used to pay foreign players or international coaches can be used in other vital areas because football and sport after all cannot stand as equal as buying medicines or food or any other necessary tools. Algeria, that has a better economic and political situation has gone in this procedure. What is comic about that is some foreign players who left Algeria under these measures found in Tunisia a refuge to continue their international adventure.

Here we have to mention that the presidents of the four Tunisian teams that dominate the scene with their results and recruitments are well known businessmen. Not only are they businessmen but two of them have political engagements (one is a head of a party and another is a member of the parliament). More than that, a third one is considered to be the richest businessman in the country. Here we can simply say that they are really decision-makers in the politics of the country. Here the most important question is who designs the general policies of the country? Who defines the priorities of Tunisia? Can this money investigated in sport considered as a sort of corruption? Again we can find no clear answer. But what everyone agrees upon in Tunisia is that some people are more powerful than the state and that these people can decide what they really like and they can refuse what goes against their own benefits.


Ramzi Rhimi

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