Global olive oil supply under threat as tree disease reaches Spain

Spread by insects, the European Union considers Xylella fastidiosa to be“one of the most dangerous plant bacteria worldwide, causing a variety of diseases, with huge economic impact for agriculture.” The EU is the world’s largest producer of olive oil, accounting for 73% of global production. Spain produces 56% of the world’s olive oil supply. The next four top-producing countries — Italy, Greece, Tunisia and Morocco — together produce just half of Spain’s annual volume, according to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. U.S. olive oil accounts for just 0.6% of Spain’s olive oil production. At the moment,…

UPU and Tunisia sign e-commerce agreement

The Universal Postal Union (UPU) and Tunisia have signed an agreement for the development of e-commerce in the country under the Ecom@Africa project initiative. In a statement issued yesterday (13 July), the UPU said: “The cooperation agreement formalizes commitment to implement the Ecom@Africa Tunisian platform. Experts from the UPU and Tunisia have for the past months been setting up suitable technical and operational structures that will enable the roll out of the project. ” The UPU launched the Ecom@Africa initiative to assist African countries develop and facilitate online trade using the postal network. The…

House rejects Trump’s Middle East aid cuts

Congress rejected the Donald Trump administration’s proposed cuts to Middle East aid today, in some cases even voting to increase assistance over the current year’s budget. While the State Department request for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1 sought deep cuts across the board, members of the House foreign aid spending panel made clear they wouldn’t be touching aid to key US allies such as Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. In addition, the House state and foreign operations bill released today makes clear that the administration’s proposalto turn some foreign military financing grants…

Tunisia: Spanish company gets €2.6-million contract for 6 desalination plants

Spanish engineering company “Typsa” will manage in consortium with another two companies the construction of six desalination plants in the Tunisian Sahara, Spanish site “The Diploma” reported, quoting information provided by the company on Monday (July 10). The information has also been officially confirmed by the management of SONEDE in Tunis. According to the same information we have, the contract, worth € 2.6 million, will last five years.  According to our sources, “Typsa will develop construction projects for the treatment plants, the selection of construction companies and the supervision of…

Australia ranked among world’s best countries to be an immigrant

Australia is ranked in the top four countries to be an immigrant, according to a new global study. The nation polled highly in measures such as economic stability, income equality and job markets, which were used to create the list complied by ranking company US News and World Report. Sweden, a strong social welfare state that has long been considered a haven for migrants, took the top spot, followed by Canada, Switzerland, then Australia. Germany rounded out the top five. The US fell in the rankings due to its perceived economic…