Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui on Friday said that his country exerts efforts to find a solution to the crisis in Libya to end the bloodshed.
“Tunisia is working on resolving the Libyan crisis politically,” Jhinaoui said in a statement to media.
“Tunisia has a moral duty to deal with any initiative that would end tensions in Libya,” he added.
Jhinaoui on Thursday discussed with Foreign Minister of Libya’s Government of National Accord Mohamed Sayala the latest developments in the war-ravaged country as well as bilateral relations.
During a press conference at the foreign ministry headquarters in Tunis, Jhinaoui reiterated that Tunisia will continue its efforts with international players to find a peaceful settlement to the Libyan crisis.
He stressed Tunisia’s keenness to help the Libyans overcome their differences and move towards a peaceful solution through political talks rather than military confrontations, pointing out that “there is no possibility of imposing a military solution in Libya.”
Jhinaoui said Tunisia is still in contact with international actors to push for more diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the Libyan crisis and end the bloodshed, the most recent of which was when he met last month US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on the sidelines of the third round of the Tunisia-US Strategic Dialogue.