ITES, TSC ink partnership agreement

A partnership agreement was signed on Thursday, October 1, between the Tunisian Institute for Strategic Studies (ITES) and the Tunisian Smart Cities association to improve public understanding of the concept of the Smart City and to give the efforts made in this direction more chances of success, cohesion and sustainability, said Tunisian Smart Cities.

This strategic partnership aims “to conduct a comprehensive study on the Smart City and the place of the citizen in the digital city and to implement a program of advocacy activities in favor of territorial development.

The aim is to mobilize institutional, scientific, economic and civil actors to implement a Smart Cities approach, to support them in formulating sustainable territorial visions and to succeed in the technical, administrative and financial set-up of projects. It also aims to contribute to the development of wealth, access to basic services and environmental protection”.

The program also includes the production of comprehensive studies in preparation for major national events such as Tunisia Smart Cities 2025, Tunisia Smart Nation 2030, Tunisian Olympic Games 2040, and Sustainable Tunisia 2050.

The main lines of the TSC-ITES partnership agreement concern the improvement of Tunisia’s ranking in international economic, social and environmental rankings as well as the societal performance of public institutions (relevance of objectives, effectiveness of decisions, and efficiency of actions) and the knowledge of development actors in terms of global trends of Smart Cities.

This convention also aims to provide political reference frameworks that promote the continuity of strategic action in national and local development and to promote a culture of evaluation by publishing reports on the sectoral and territorial integration of policy orientations.

The Tunisian Institute for Strategic Studies, under the supervision of the Presidency of the Republic, has the main mission of conducting strategic studies and analyses on issues referred to it by the Presidency of the Republic and of providing a watch function both at the national and international levels on areas deemed strategic for the country.

The Tunisian Smart Cities Association is a forward-looking association, bearer of the eponymous program which will eventually materialize in a national network of smart cities. Tunisian Smart Cities is a program inspired by the Smart City initiatives launched in some Tunisian cities such as Bizerte, Kairouan and Gabes, with a view to organizing a nationwide deployment.


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