Elevid successfully launches video correspondence platform

www.elevid.net is the first online platform for professional video-based matchmaking, connecting startups and investors, as well as employers and job seekers, around the world.

Founders of Elevid Hedi Samari and Sabine Bastisch presented this concept in a video broadcast in their Elevid Facebook page.

Presenting Elevid, Founder and CEO Hedi Samari said ”launched in September 2020, Elevid is the first platform professional matchmaking based on video pitches. It connects users via a one-minute video pitch. The name is a combination of: elevator pitch” an English term that describes a short and concise speech presenting an idea, a person or a concept all in less than one minute and of course the word Video.”

He added that the video pitch of one minute maximum which a user puts on Elevid is the first impression the other users will have on them, underlining that today, Elevid is directed at four types of users.

Hedi Samari noted that the concept is simple describing the steps needed for the users.

“In a one-minute video pitch, tell Elevid who you are, what you have to offer and what you are looking for. This video is the first impression that other users will have of you. You can register as an employer looking for a brilliant talent, a candidate looking for a new opportunity, an investor looking to invest in start-ups and smart ideasand finally a start-up looking for a funding,” Elevid CEO explained stressing that the matchmaking happens between employers and candidates and of course between investors and startups.

In turn, Sabine Bastisch co-founder of Elevid said the matchmaking in Elevid.net is based on videos for three simple reasons.

“First, videos are the most efficient medium to share information online. They are something that people appreciate in general, fun and easy to use however we don’t really see videos yet when it comes to professional matchmaking and enlarging and building a professional network”, she indicated.

He indicated that secondly, videos can help put forward your soft skills and add a human touch saying that “when meeting new people also on a professional level all that vibe, that connect and the feeling you get when talking to someone and so video can really portray that and put that forward right from the beginning even when the meeting is just digitally.”

Thirdly and probably it is all about saving time, she explained, about how much time we have lost already in meetings or in doing research about people that might become harder in the future for our network but really we haven’t fully captured what they are about and what they bring to the table.

“The one-minute video pitch on Elevid.net lets you see that shortly and concisely in a world that we are living today, the way the world is changing after we have to be able to do all that digitally from anywhere across the globe”, Sabine Bastisch said revealing “so in your one-minute video pitch talk about who you are, what you have to offer, what you are bringing to the table, the most important information that you would like to share with the other users”.

“You don’t need professional equipment as a camera, the important thing you need is put forward your communication skills,  your personality and show the world and Elevid who you are” she concluded.

CEO of Elevid Hedi Samari also said that the good news is that it is a 100% free service, “you sign and record your video pitch, fill up a brief questionnaire about your professional activity of course adapted to each user type and start discovering the video pitches of other users”.

“The good thing is that only two users say “yes please” to each other’s pitches, they can connect and send a message to start a professional conversation”, he affirmed.


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