Connect’Innov Champions Healthtech Innovation in Tunisia

Connect’Innov supports businesses in Tunisia by promoting entrepreneurship and technological innovation in the healthcare sector. It offers a range of services from pre-incubation to business acceleration. Connect’Innov is a Tunisian support institution dedicated to identifying, supporting and promoting innovation in the field of health technologies, in particular e-health, medtechs and biotechnologies. It was founded in 2020 by biochemist Wafa Bchir and accountant Hichem Radoine. It offers pre-incubation and outreach services with ongoing training for entrepreneurs and researchers. It also creates start-ups and supports innovative projects, offering incubation and acceleration programmes…

Tunisia: 6.500 schools will be powered by solar panels

The German Development Bank financed the project by granting a loan of around 55 million euros, in addition to contributions from the Energy Transition Fund and the National Energy Control Agency Around 6.500 educational institutions and schools in Tunisia will be powered by solar energy. Last Friday, March 1 was inaugurated at the Hannibal Institute in Tebourba, in the northern province of Manouba, the program includes a solar station for the self-production of electricity with a capacity of 28 kilowatts, on a total of 55 buildings. The German Development Bank…

“Be Positif” on Radio Misk 106.9 about quality of life, climate and social responsibility

After a two-year absence, the TV show specialised in environment, climate, social responsibility and quality of life “Be Positive” returns to the Tunisian media scene on Radio Misk 106.9 on Sunday, March 03, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:30 am with Environment and climate journalist Saida Zemzemi along with a group of journalists. The programme aims to First: Simplify, explain and popularise environmental and climate concepts such as climate finance, green initiatives, carbon footprint, carbon market, green hydrogen and ecological farming for adaptation and resilience to climate change. Secondly: Highlight the…