World Water Day: rationalising water consumption in all sectors

The national day for rationalising water consumption was organised in conjunction with World Water Day, which takes place every year on 22 March. Tunisia is trying to develop a strategy to preserve water resources by building new hydraulic dams, desalinating sea water and rationalising consumption. The event, organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, focused on raising awareness and providing information on rationalising water consumption in all sectors. Given that Tunisia will be one of the countries affected by water stress over the next two decades, urgent solutions must be implemented.…

Maritime forces Thwarts Dozens of Illegal Sea Crossings, Rescues Almost 1,200

Tunisian maritime forces conducted a major operation Satoruday off the eastern coast, rescuing 1,178 undocumented immigrants and preventing 28 illegal sea crossings to Italy, the Tunisian National Guard reported. The action took place near Sfax province, where the guards intercepted multiple vessels carrying primarily immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa, alongside 18 Tunisians. The operation also led to the recovery of two bodies. In addition to the rescue efforts, authorities confiscated 15 boats and detained nine suspects. The future of the rescued immigrants is currently under consideration, following discussions with the public…

EU pledges major funding for Tunisian security forces

The European Union (EU) has announced its intention to allocate up to 164.5 million euros (around $177.74 million) to Tunisia’s security forces over a three-year period, reports the Financial Times. Citing sources familiar with the matter, the newspaper reveals that Brussels had previously pledged 105 million euros in funding to Tunisia, specifically earmarked for initiatives to reduce immigration. However, a significant proportion of this promised funding has still not been distributed, despite the agreement having been signed last year. The Financial Times highlighted the EU’s intention to step up its…

Tunisia: Moody’s upgrades outlook from negative to stable

Rating agency Moody’s maintained Tunisia’s long-term foreign and local currency rating at “Caa2”, while improving theoutlook from negative to stable. Moody’s attributes the decision to a significant reduction in the current account deficit compared to historical levels and the agency’s previous forecasts. In its foreword, the agency highlights that the Central Bank of Tunisia, thanks to a new law approved by Parliament, is now “responsible for payments on all government bonds”, underlining that “these debt instruments are issued on behalf of the government”. In this regard, Moody’s underlines that the use…

“Qalby Etmaan” in its seventh season… Viewers are partners in giving and empowerment

With six successful seasons of bringing happiness and transforming lives, “Ghaith” has launched the seventh season of the “Qalby Etmaan” program with the theme of ‘Empowerment’. This season will delve into multiple initiatives with the objective of empowering people to create sustainable and fulfilling life for themselves. The program is allowing and encouraging all its followers and viewers to participate in the journey through the Ghaith Platform – a newly launched humanitarian platform that aims to help people and uplift communities worldwide. The Ghaith platform has introduced a new feature…

Tunisia: World Bank Projects Boost Food Security, Economic Opportunities

The World Bank’s Board of Directors approved two new loans worth US$520 million Thursday, providing additional financing to address Tunisia’s food security challenge and to balance regional disparities through improved road corridor connectivity in the country, the World Bank said. “The two projects are aligned with the World Bank’s Country Partnership Framework (CPF) 2023-2027 for Tunisia, which aims to strengthen human capital and increase economic opportunities countrywide,” said Alexandre Arrobbio, World Bank Country Manager for Tunisia. “In close partnership with the Tunisian Government, we’ve also synchronized the projects with key national…

Tunisian Banks Can Help Meet Growing Sovereign Financing Needs (Fitch Ratings)

The Tunisian banking sector can continue to help meet the sovereign’s increasing financing needs in 2024 as healthy deposit growth and weak credit demand support sector liquidity, Fitch Ratings says. The sector’s total exposure to the sovereign should increase slightly as a result after declining in 2023.In the absence of an agreement with the IMF and given the scarcity of other sources of external funding, Tunisia has increasingly relied on the domestic financial sector, and banks in particular, to finance its budget. The 2024 budget envisages a 20% increase in…

Swiss group Zuhlke engineering settles in Tunisia

The Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA Tunisia) has announced that Predrag Poposki, Project and Investment Lead of the Swiss group Zühlke Engineering, announced during his meeting on Wednesday, March 6 with Jalel Tebib, Managing Director of FIPA Tunisia, that the group has decided to set up in Tunisia. Founded in 1968 and established in some ten countries and specialising in strategy, innovation and the development of digital solutions and applications, Zühlke Engineering decided to set up in Tunisia for several reasons, including the availability of engineering talent, strategic positioning, proximity…

EU releases €150 million in financial support for Tunisia

– This grant is intended to support “Tunisia in stabilising its macroeconomic situation and in its efforts to improve the management of public finances and the business climate”. The European Commission has announced that the European Union (EU) has disbursed €150 million in financial support to Tunisia. This is what emerges from a press release published by the European Commission, explaining that “the disbursement of this financial support in the form of a grant forms part of the programme of support for Tunisia’s macro-economic reforms (PARME), agreed by the EU…

Connect’Innov Champions Healthtech Innovation in Tunisia

Connect’Innov supports businesses in Tunisia by promoting entrepreneurship and technological innovation in the healthcare sector. It offers a range of services from pre-incubation to business acceleration. Connect’Innov is a Tunisian support institution dedicated to identifying, supporting and promoting innovation in the field of health technologies, in particular e-health, medtechs and biotechnologies. It was founded in 2020 by biochemist Wafa Bchir and accountant Hichem Radoine. It offers pre-incubation and outreach services with ongoing training for entrepreneurs and researchers. It also creates start-ups and supports innovative projects, offering incubation and acceleration programmes…