“Be Positif” on Radio Misk 106.9 about quality of life, climate and social responsibility

After a two-year absence, the TV show specialised in environment, climate, social responsibility and quality of life “Be Positive” returns to the Tunisian media scene on Radio Misk 106.9 on Sunday, March 03, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:30 am with Environment and climate journalist Saida Zemzemi along with a group of journalists.

The programme aims to

First: Simplify, explain and popularise environmental and climate concepts such as climate finance, green initiatives, carbon footprint, carbon market, green hydrogen and ecological farming for adaptation and resilience to climate change.

Secondly: Highlight the issues raised by climate change, such as food shortages, water scarcity, ecosystem degradation, epidemics, energy shortages, and socio-economic impacts.

Third: Provide effective solutions such as the ecological transition and the subsequent energy transition, the shift towards sustainable management of natural resources, and the valorisation of scientific research, technology and innovation to achieve food and energy security and create green jobs and careers in the long term.

Fourth: Providing positive waves and tips related to quality of life, in addition to a variety of Digitech sessions; featuring influencers and content creators. Be Actor is for people who are active in climate action and sustainable development. Clin d’œil is a positive cash card.

The radio programme “Be Positive” is based on a participatory approach involving experts and specialists in the environment field as well as the private and public sectors, civil society activists and all individuals to raise awareness and sensitise the need to engage in climate action and consolidate a culture of social responsibility in light of the climate challenges.

TunisianMonitorOnline (NejiMed)

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