Tunisian media eyes deepening of cooperation with Xinhua

Speaker of House of People’s Representatives Mohamed Ennaceur met Tuesday with He Ping, editor-in-chief of China’s Xinhua News Agency and both agreed to boost bilateral cooperation including media. Ennaceur told He Ping that Tunisia attaches great importance to developing its friendly ties with China and hopes to enhance the bilateral cooperation in all fields. Ennaceur underscored the importance of deepening the cooperation between Tunisian and Chinese media outlets in promoting the davelopment of the Tunisian-Chinese relations. He Ping said that Xinhua is willing to expand communication and deepen cooperation with…

SNJT Congress: moral and financial reports adopted

Participants in the 4th Congress of the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT), held on May 20-21 in Tunis, examined and adopted on Saturday the moral and financial reports. They reminded that resources coming from the memberships represent only 10.97 % of the financial income of the union. As for the moral report, it reviews the activities of the outgoing office and recalls the working conditions and the social and political climate in which it evolved. This context was notably marked by repeated attempts by successive governments to take control…

ANSA and TAP sign cooperation accord

A cooperation accord signed Wednesday between the Italian news agency ANSA and its Tunisian counterpart TAP will focus on the Mediterranean, political and humanitarian tensions as well as economic relations between the countries in the region. The agreement was signed in Tunis by ANSA CEO Giuseppe Cerbone and his TAP counterpart, Lotfi Arfaoui, during a seminar entitled ‘The Future and Challenges in Bilateral Relations and Cooperation between Italy and Tunisia’. “This agreement is a great opportunity to strengthen the already wide-ranging collaboration between Italy and Tunisia,” Cerbone said, while Arfaoui…

Tunisian journalists blame government for drop in free speech index

After the release of Reporters Without Borders’ free speech index for 2017, the Tunisian Journalists’ Syndicate blamed the government for the retreat of free speech in the country, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported yesterday. The report indicated that Tunisia was ranked 96th in the list of world countries on the free speech index, but this year it slipped to 97th – one step backwards. According to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, the Syndicate had warned the Tunisian government throughout the past year that the situation of freedom of speech was retreating in the country. The…

Arabsat Sponsors 18th Arab Radio and Television Festival in Tunisia

The Arab Satellite Communications Organization – Arabsat – sponsors and participates in the 18th edition of Arab Festival for Radio and Television, organised by the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), from May 25-28, 2017, in Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, attended by several media figures and broadcasters from the Middle East and North Africa. Engineer Khalid bin Ahmed Balkheyour, President and CEO of Arabsat, said, “Arabsat has a unique and strong commercial relationship with ASBU, involving many successful projects, such as the global Arabic bouquet. In addition to the partnership agreement MENOS…

Tunisian journalist Mabrouka Khedir interviewed by Morgan Freeman

Tunisian brilliant and talented journalist Mabrouka Khedir was honored to be the guest of  International  actor Morgan Freeman in his new programme STORY OF US on National Geographic. In London, in front of parliament, she remembered the harsh events that took place in the Maghreb. Mabrouka had the courage and the opportunity to cover for Deutsche Welle (Dw) TV  the Tunisian and Libyan revolutions, the overthrow of two regimes that ruled for decades. She experienced the outbreak and disrupt of the two revolutions, the atrocity and the severity of the swift events on the ground,…

Tunisia’s new measures for media sector

Prime Minister Youssef Chahed announced, Saturday at the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT)’s headquarters, eleven measures and decisions taken at an inner Cabinet meeting held Friday. They are: – Establish the governance of public advertising for written and electronic press through the creation of a commission setting criteria for granting adverstisment and another one for franting and distributing advertisment. – Devote 5% of the public advertising revenues to the “Amicale” of Tunisian journalists. – Adopt the direct subscription regime of public institutions to newspapers and periodicals, in compliance with…

Arab Spring opened some media freedoms in spite of the overall clampdowns, shows researcher

The Arab Spring opened the door to some greater freedoms in Middle East news media and some social change in spite of reverses from the political upheaval in the region. In a study of four countries in the Middle East in the period immediately following the Arab Spring in 2010-2012 — Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen,  Majid A. Al Zowaimil argues the scrutiny of the media in terms of government power structures was a measure of some success for the revolution. Al Zowaimil graduated yesterday with his Master of Communication…

Strike at Euronews

Over the past 24 hours, 68 euronews employees based at the channel’s headquarters in Lyon, France, joined a strike against the management’s plans to slash jobs and change working conditions. That represents around 60 percent of those who were on rota to work in the newsroom during the course of the day. This move follows a no confidence vote last week organised by Euronews journalists and technicians against the current management by 205 to 34 (with 52 abstentions). It shows that there are many members of staff who are unhappy…

The Countries Where People Trust The News Most And Least

Amid a deluge of fake news stories, do people still believe what they hear on the radio, watch on television and read in their newspapers every morning? Fact and fiction are becoming increasingly blurred in global news columns with the U.S. presidential election in particular experiencing a flood of misinformation. Worryingly, a recent survey from Buzzfeed and Ipsos claimed that Americans are fooled by news headlines 75 percent of the time. The Reuters Institute For The Study Of Journalism recently released a report showing trust levels in news provision across different…