How to immediately stop scourge of illegal immigration?

Many Tunisian families experienced pain and sorrow due to illegal crossing from Tunisia to Europe via the Mediterranean, after they lost their loved ones tragically.

The bitter and ugly truth repeated again and again,  especially in the recent period. The last death is arousing fears, along with the figures published by Tunisian authority and by some polls which  spread in us concern and confusion, as we were again besieged by  a big question: how do you solve a rising hard problem like illegal immigration? Why some young people are still risking their lives to migrate to Europe despite the dangers and horrors they are exposed to?

As I am living in popular neighbourhood I can understand how many young Tunisians – attracted by Europe- inflict harm on themselves, with the reason to find better opportunities abroad and refuse to live in poverty, but meanwhile, I commend those who are determined to stay at home, patient and dynamic in the face of the difficult conditions they are still trying to go through, with the hope that things would be different and better for them.

On the other hand, I have a great pain for what a mother has done, when she gave her 16 year-old son  money, in an unprecedented story, to reach Europe with desperate migrants and with the kind of risks like sexual abuse  and organ theft…

I was horrified by the fact that how this woman took this terrible decision without pity and mercy while being unaware of the tremendous risks facing her little son.

Confronting illegal immigration is a duty for all: families, authorities as well as civil society. If we do not go to them to make life better for them, we will witness the smugglers boats rising and more figures of young people missing or dying on their way without achieving ultimately their dream and many mothers will cry very hard.

TunisianMonitorOnline (Ben Rhouma Chedly)

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