Mitacs Canada Award for Outstanding Innovation bestowed to Tunisian young engineer and startupper Houssem Zouaghi

A former student of the Higher Institute Multimedia Arts of Manouba (ISAMM)  Houssem Zouaghi sets for himself an objective when he was faced with a choice of a subject of a graduation project which he said that he wanted it to be “out of the box”.

Surfing the net, he came across Mitacs. It is a Canadian organisation that has been designing and implementing research and training programmes for 18 years. Mitacs Globalink Programme offers fellowship between Canada and Several other partner countries including Tunisia.

Houssem Zouaghi’s graduation project was supervised by Professor Andrew Park from the Department of Computer Science at the Thompson Rivers University (TRU) and Professor  Walid Khayati from IT and Multimedia Department of ISAMM as well as Professor and Coach Walid Rahmouni.

When Zouaghi arrived at TRU, He found what he was looking for in Park’s computer similar Laboratory, where the focus is on crime prediction.

He developed an adaptive crowd control simulator for the police and efforts against terrorism. Its stimulator could help the police plan anti-terrorism strategies in riots or train the police to control crowds more effectively.

In the beginning, Dr Andrew Park thought he tasked Houssem Zouaghi with an impossible research mission telling him that the subject of the graduation project would take at least three months.

Houssem was eager to say that he only needs one month, but amazingly he finished it in two weeks, something which was impressive for Dr Andrew Park. When he saw that Houssem did all the research work in just two weeks, he told him “now you can dream”.

Houssem said he worked day and night to finish the research as he likes what he is doing. Since his early days in secondary school, He has been fond of information technology which led him to succeed his baccalaureate brilliantly and join ISAMM. After successful three consecutive years at ISAMM, Houssem Zouaghi joined the engineering cycle which was not an easy task. But with the perseverance of a hard-working student that sets for himself an objective to achieve an outstanding success, he got to the top.

Houssem’s unwavering ambitions made it possible to him to go through a unique research experience and snatch an award from another side of the globe where he was greatly applauded and appreciated by the world of science and information technology in Canada, the Mitacs Canada Award for Outstanding Innovation during a ceremony in Ottawa. HoussemZouaghi2

After his graduation, Houssem Zouaghi shared his ambition and enthusiasm for success with a group of youth who are fond of video games and information technology the same way Houssem does. He founded his own startup Galactech Studio that creates video games, Apps, websites and videos.

The startup includes a web team that develop web-administration space, along with a talented interact team and creative developers working together to create video games, virtual tours and simulations using the latest technology currently available.

Besides, the startup has a Production team that provides the best audio-visual content from filming to editing using the latest technologies from 2D to 3 D.

The Galatech startup team considered it necessary to expand the company by working and setting up businesses with local and international clients by offering services such as web development. In addition, the professional team of Galatech prospected the world of advertising through video games and virtual and augmented reality. To know more about this startup, visit the website.


The founders of the startup are Houssem Zouaghi co-founder and Product Director Software engineers, Houcem Maiza co-founder and head of communication, software engineer, Maher Sghair Web Project Manager Master in software engineering and last but not least Mahdi Ben Ghmiss 3D Game Designer.

As part of Galactechstudio startup, a video game was launched called Hog riders racing.

The Hog riders racing is a battle-based racing game, multiplayer and free for download and play. With a large selection of worlds and modes, Hogriders paves the way to a unique gaming experience.

Houssem Zouaghi is an icon for Tunisian youth, an example to follow and a model of an early and premature success story that made his dreams come true, but not only his own dreams, it is the dream of all Tunisians who are seeking a glimpse of hope in this difficult juncture the country is going through.

Advising youth, Houssem called on them not to give up in front of the first obstacle they face. “Just move forward, don’t follow those who are going backwards, because they are losers, and lead to nowhere but failure, instead rely on yourselves, do not rely on anyone, if you have an objective just work hard to achieve it. Some young people succeeded in countries with no available means at all, so love your country and strive to help it to get out of the crisis”, Houssem concluded in an exclusive statement to TunisianMonitorOnLine.

TunisianMonitorOnline (NejiMed)

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