Perseverance is needed in Tunisian parliament  

I have had the opportunity to follow in a daze, footages of debates of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) on the draft Finance law for 2018. As Tunisian citizen, I was bewildered between the kind of harsh and abusive criticisms and allegations of some deputies  towards some representatives of state institutions as well as toward their colleagues, which some of them are meaningless and reckless.

We do not care which party succeed to lead the discussion in its favour.

During this parliamentary plenary sessions what worried us most, is the distinct and notable absence of significant number of deputies which arouses our concern about the performance of these deputies and their commitment in their duty.

Besides, we need to hear a deep and responsible parliament debate on great delicate pending cases, with the commitment to respect each other. What need the entire people is how to make Tunisia safe and great in these delicate circumstances.

Therefore, deputies should be in constant responsibility and take away their differences, they must share burdens with the various stakeholders as well as with citizens through the embodiment of what is expected from them.

We want them to avoid upset words, and focus on their assignment  with another fruitful pace as representatives of the people under this noble institution and as they get good salaries  for their works.

In order to restore confidence in them, it is not too late to review their performance that the country and the people deserve.

We should not ignore at the same time the commitment of others deputies who are keen to do their duty with competence and honesty.

Ben Rhouma Chedly




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